Your 2024 New Year's Quit Smoking Resolution
Will it succeed or fail? Are you willing to bet your life? Become smarter than nicotine's grip. Knowledge is a quitting method. Why not give it a try!
Welcome to WhyQuit, a totally free nicotine dependency recovery forum that declines donations, sells nothing and is staffed by volunteer cessation educators. We hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's time someone leveled with you. If the only tactic you employ this year is to make a New Year's resolution to quit smoking, then your 2024 resolution's odds of success are about 1 in 13. Yes, 92.6% odds of failure.
Most smokers have little difficulty seeing alcoholism as a mental illness. What's hard to accept is that chemical dependency upon inhaled nicotine is a mental illness too. Despite being accompanied by alertness instead of intoxication, numbness, euphoria or a racing sensation, the wanting you'll feel for that next fix flows from the same brain dopamine pathways as the wanting felt by the alcoholic, and the heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine addict. Accepting who we are can be the most liberating moment of our life.
The common thread in the below 84 quitter messages is that knowledge became power, that they each grew more dependency recovery savvy than their addiction was strong. Their willpower no greater than yours, they each once stood exactly where you stand now. Like yours, their next puff included up to 81 cancer causing chemicals and hundreds of tissue damaging toxins.
What was the most important lesson they learned? It's called:
"The Law of Addiction"
Why? Because violation of the Law of Addiction is why half of adult smokers already know the cause of death that'll be printed on their death certificates (SMOKING). On average, their death certificates will be issued an average of 13.2 or 14.5 years early (U.S. CDC male and female smoking mortality rates).

We invite you to explore and bookmark WhyQuit, home to the largest collection of totally free stop smoking articles, videos and books. Discover how to minimize or possibly eliminate many common withdrawal symptoms. Allow understanding to lessen or destroy needless anxiety generating fears. Contrary to the message likely now playing inside your chemically enslaved mind, everything done while under nicotine's influence can be done as well or better without it.
Think about it. Why fear a temporary journey of re-adustment? Why fear coming home to a day where you'll go the entire day without once wanting to inhale nicotine?
If allowed, your blood and body can become 100% nicotine-free and you can move beyond peak withdrawal within 72 hours of ending all use. What sense does it make to fear healing? Embrace recovery don't fear it. That discombobulated feeling is undeniable evidence of healing and good not bad. Get as comfortable as possible being temporarily uncomfortable. Baby steps, just the next few minutes, yes you can!

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Take a peek at WhyQuit's Topics Index
Your 2024 keys to freedom
We each wrote a New Year's quit smoking message for "You!"
Joe | Ohio, USA | 5 Years, 11 Months
Katie | Lung Cancer Dream | 6 Years
Wendy & Randy | Canada | Four Years
Libby | Smoked 37 Years | Free 13 Months
Kim | Ontario, Canada | 1 Year, 3 Months
Steve | Myth vs. Reality | Two Years
Bernadette | California, USA | 26 Months
Randy | Texas | Free After 32 Yrs
Sean | Saved £221.77 | Four Months
Katy | South Australia | Six Months
Scott | Loves Being Free | Nine Months
Heidi | California, USA | Eleven+ Months
Kris | Climbs stairs again! | Eight Months
Robin | Maharashtra, India | 1 Year, 6 Months
Denny | Albany, New York | 1 Year, 8 Months
Star | New Hampshire, USA | Five Months
Ingrid | Nederland, Europe | Five Months
Roger | Ft. Myers, Florida | 35 Days
Greg | Rhode Island, USA | 18 Days

Suzie | Australia | Nearly Three Months
Jill | West Virginia, USA | Four Years
Jeff | Phoenix, Arizona | 23 Days
Heather | United Kingdom | Two Months
Joe | Suicide by Cigarette | Four Months
Joseph | Nicotine-Free | Two Years
Denny B | Albany, New York | Ten Months
Kathy | Come Join Us! | Eight Months
John | Michigan, USA | Two Years
Olivia | Atlanta, Georgia | 1 Year 2 Months
Tanya | Atlanta, Georgia | Ten Months
Gitte | Yorkshire, England | 1 Year, 1 Month
Susan | Wisconsin | Eleven Months
Steve | Georgia | 1 Year 7 Months
Amy | Michigan | Eleven Months
Glenn | California | 1 Year 4 Months

Rick | Spokane, WA | Three Years
Joanne | Australia | 16 Weeks
Joseph | 26 Year Smoker | Fourteen Months
Julia | Ontario, Canada | Ten Months
BillW | Ohio, USA | Three Years
JoeJ | Ohio, USA | Eleven Months
Bernadette | California, USA | Fifteen Months
Joanne | Canada | 1 Year, 4 Months
Pearl | Broome, Australia | Two Months
Julie | New Jersey, USA | Nine Days
Mary | A new mother | Two Years
Liz | Ontario, Canada | Three Months
Lorraine | In Golden Shoes | Three Years
Tom | 2+ packs, 44 Years | 1 Year, 1 Month
Kevin | Chewed Copenhagen | Six Months
Kay | Canada | 1 Year & 7 Hours : )

Tom | Pennsylvania, USA | Three Years
JoeJFree | Cleveland, Ohio | Two Years
Tina | United Kingdom | Seven Months
Kat | Kentucky, USA | Eleven Months
David | Georgia, USA | 1 Year, 1 Month
Anita | Virginia, USA | Five Months
Richard | 33 Yrs., Ca. USA | Ten Months
Rickdabler | Golden | 1 Year, 2 Months
Guy | Texax, USA | Eleven Months
Sue | Virginia, USA | 1 Year, 8 Months
Roger | New Year's Victory | December 31
Terry | 32 Yrs, CA, USA | 1 Year, 1 Month
Judy | Husband Too! | 1 Year, 11 Months
Steph | Cheshire, England | Six Months
Angie | Ontario, Canada | Eleven Months
John | 3 Packs, SC, USA | Five Years

Vicki | Arizona, USA | Four Months
Kelly | Sisterless 2 Yrs | Free for Four
Sharry | Alicante, Spain | Three Weeks
Amy | Kalamazoo, MI | 1 Year, 11 Months
Steve | Georgia, USA | Seven Months
Cuca | Puerto Rico | 1 Year, 3 Months
Anna | Chicago, USA | One Week
DeWitt | Texas, USA | Three Months
Bob | New York, USA | 1 Year, 5 Months
Erica | Age 23, USA | 1 Year, 1 Day : )
Kelly | Tennessee, USA | Eleven Months
Terri | North Carolina | Four Months
Mara | 34 Year Smoker | Two Months
Melissa | North Carolina | Three Years
Bobbie | 49 Year Smoker | Three Months
Joseph | 26 Yr. Smoker | Two Months

WARNING: WhyQuit is a serious and intensely focused nicotine cessation forum. Its mission is to help all who arrive arrest nicotine's grip upon their body and mind. Please understand that this forum does not exist to make any nicotine addict feel good about obedience to their brain's next nicotine delivery command. It exists to help them say, "no!"
Although the trail of words through WhyQuit, Joel's Library and Turkeyville number in the millions, they all boil down to one guiding principle that if adhered to guarantees success to all ... no nicotine just one hour, challenge and day at a time, to Never Take Another Puff, Vape, Dip or Chew!