Salvaging your resolution to stop smoking or vaping

A resolution is a decision to try hard to do something. Eight days into the new year, how’s your quit smoking or vaping resolution going? Wish you could revive, salvage and rescue it? If still inhaling nicotine, it’s not too late.
I may want to build a house or fly a plane. But if I don’t know how, it could prove challenging. Knowledge is power.
Have you heard of smart turkey, Joel Spitzer, NTAP or Turkeyville? Probably not.
Page 15 of a 700-page 2020 report entitled "Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General” reluctantly acknowledges that “most smokers who quit successfully do so without medications or any type of formal assistance” and that, under real-world conditions, “cold-turkey quitters do as well or better than those who use over-the-counter NRTs.”
For example, since then, a 2021 Urology study found that 115 of 151 smokers with bladder cancer attempted quitting, with most attempting cold turkey (63 of 115 or 54%), and most succeeding cold turkey (42 of 64 or 66%).
In 1973, Webster’s defined “cold turkey” as the "abrupt complete cessation of the use of an addictive drug either voluntarily or under medical supervision."
What are the keys to successful cold turkey quitting? By mastering them, can we quickly become smarter and wiser than nicotine's grip upon us? Totally free, what do you have to lose but time?
The following 8 resources provide free insights into the abrupt complete cessation of nicotine:
- “How to quit smoking” - A 14-minute tips video by Joel Spitzer.
- “Nicotine cessation tips” - Fifty tips by John R. Polito.
- “Never Take Another Puff” - A stop smoking ebook sharing 129 short articles by Joel Spitzer.
- “Smart Turkey” - A short nicotine cessation ebook (less than an hour’s read) by John R. Polito.
- Joel’s Library - Home to the 49-year life's work of Joel Spitzer.
- Joel Spitzer's Stop Smoking Video Library - Direct access to Joel Spitzer's nearly 500 YouTube video lessons.
- Freedom from Nicotine – The Journey Home - An in-depth 415-page nicotine dependency recovery ebook by John R. Polito.
- Turkeyville - A 15,000+ member education-oriented cold turkey support group featuring lessons from the above resources.