Joel's Jukebox: Top 64 stop smoking tunes
With half of adult smokers smoking themselves to death, slaves to endless "want" flowing from highjacked dopamine pathways, one of life's greatest challenges is motivating nicotine addicts to seek recovery insight and understanding while still time. Today the popular quit smoking site WhyQuit.com unveils Joel's Jukebox, eleven hours of easy listening, yet another free quitting tool waiting to be discovered. Imagine 64 free sessions with one of the world's top stop smoking counselors.
Author of the popular free ebook "Never Take Another Puff" (over two million downloads) there's increasing awareness that Joel Spitzer may be the Babe Ruth of smoking cessation. Having started as a volunteer with the American Cancer Society in 1972, he has since presented more than 325 six-session quitting clinics spanning 13 days (each session two hours), and over 570 single session seminars.
Assembled by Webb Collings (WBC), one of Joel's thousands of online graduates, Joel's Jukebox is a fast loading MP3 player that arranges and shares 64 short audio clips previously recorded by Joel, clips featured in Joel's Library.
The life extending tunes played by Joel's Jukebox range from how to minimize common quitting symptoms to understanding the emotional loss. More than a dozen clips help diminish the nagging "wanting" to smoke by destroying smoking rationalizations. Listeners also receive guidance on common quitting related concerns such as alcohol use and weight gain.
Established in 1999, WhyQuit.com is a commercial free site that declines donations and is staffed entirely by volunteers. Built entirely upon referrals, it is the #2
ranked "quit smoking" site among more than 14 million Google search results. Having assembled the Internet's greatest arsenal of free quitting tools, WhyQuit's dream is that smokers discover, visit and explore the site while there's still time.