Great American Smokeout Thursday: Help Your Smoker Quit
Thursday is the Great American Smokeout. It's a golden opportunity to gift wrap and hand smoking friends and loved ones the one quitting method they've likely never tried: a detailed understanding of their chemical dependency, including the insights needed to arrest it.
Two free quit smoking books are available for download, printing and gift wrapping at WhyQuit, the nation's most popular "nicotine cessation" forum.
"Never Take Another Puff" was written by Joel Spitzer, who has counseled smokers full-time since 1972 and is America's most quoted cessation educator. His free book has recorded more than 2 million downloads.
"Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home" was written by John R. Polito, the 1999 founder of WhyQuit and a former 30-year heavy smoker.
Ask yourself, what learning takes place by swallowing a pill, slapping on a patch, chewing gum, sucking a lozenge, being hypnotized, stuck with needles, pierced by lasers, or vaping an e-cig?
Investing the time needed to print and gift wrap the only quit smoking book your smoking friend or loved one has likely ever received, pretty much assures that your gift will be read.
Why expect our friends and loved ones to quit in ignorance and darkness? Why not hand them the insights that turn on the lights? Knowledge isn't just power. It's a quitting method.