FaceBook cold turkey quit smoking forum celebrates 1,000th member
WhyQuit.com's Turkeyville helps transform cold turkey into smart turkey
A well kept secret, each year cold turkey generates more successful long-term ex-smokers than all other quit smoking methods combined. But WhyQuit.com's rapidly growing FaceBook group Turkeyville is putting a face on cold turkey. Today, Turkeyville celebrates its one thousandth member.
A week ago I posted the following message at the site. "Turkeyville is 28 members away from a rather major milestone, 1,000 members, and almost all within a year. If your voice could be heard by smokers around the globe, what would you tell them, why should they visit us?"

"This is the most informative and supportive group of people," replied Melissa Moon.
"If you really want to stop smoking and feel that you have exhausted all other measures, give WhyQuit.com a try," wrote Sylvia Ortiz. "You'll have access to obtain the highest education regarding nicotine and addiction."
"Education is the key to success," replied Aaron Harte. "This program provides the best free cessation information on the web."
"I'm not very good on the computer so I don't post very often," wrote Sandra Davies. "But I've been smoke free for over 2 months after smoking for over 40 years. This site is brill and made my journey a lot easier. I started to click on Joel's Library links and read everything. So apart from helping me give up the cigs, the site has helped me to use the computer. I never thought I would find giving up as easy."
"I am nicotine free for nearly 14 months after 41 years of smoking," wrote Joanne Parsons. "I know that without all the education and advice I have gotten from Joel's Library and all of you at WhyQuit, that this journey would have been so much more difficult if at all possible."
Keith Heil replied encouraging smokers to "stop wasting your hard earned money on NRTs [nicotine replacement therapy] and visit WhyQuit.com to learn everything you need to know about smoking cessation. WhyQuit has all the resources available to help you quit smoking one day at a time. Cold turkey works. Here, you'll receive ongoing support from the smartest nicotine cessation educators available on the Internet."
"Smart turkey rocks," replied Naomi Ricana.
"WhyQuit is one of the best things that ever happened to me," wrote Catherine Ryan. "I was addicted to nicotine for 30+ years and I've been free for nearly 9 months. The education I received at WhyQuit has been invaluable and guess what ... it's all free for the taking, everything you need to know is there in written form and in video (YouTube) form. You'll never give yourself a better gift than a life without nicotine. It's not always easy but it's really simple. Never Take Another Puff."
"WhyQuit gave me the information and support I needed to finally stop smoking," wrote Helen Eynon. "After decades of thinking I wasn't capable of stopping, I have now reached day 200 of being nicotine-free. WhyQuit is free and honest. Once I understood that it was about breaking free of an addiction to nicotine, not a 'habit of smoking cigs' I found freedom."
Maggie Barradell reminded us that there are many ways to restate the Law of Addiction, "that just 1 = all or put it another way... one is never enough."
"WhyQuit is the unequivocal truth. It is absolute, complete and true," notes Karen Allen. "I know this to my core and if you really want to succeed, this is exactly where you need to be. This is where the support and healing is. It is a free and 24/7 resource and you cannot buy that. I'm with WhyQuit and proud. NTAP (Never Take Another Puff), it's a beautiful and simple rule."
"WhyQuit saved my life," replied Rob Wheeler. "I've tried every pill, patch and puffer ever invented in an effort to find an easier, softer way to quit smoking. None of it worked. It was always 'one more smoke,' 'one more pack,' or 'after this pack,' or 'I'll quit tomorrow. I promise.' Dealing with a steadily worsening chronic lung disease, I was desperate."
"One day I decided to click on a link that a friend had sent me. It was a video of Joel Spitzer talking about a very simple principle that seemed to make quitting not only possible, but extremely do-able," Rob continued. "As he spoke, scales of pride and prejudice fell from my eyes. I was overcome with emotion by what I was hearing. I was anxious at first. Scared that I'd fail. Scared that I'd succeed. I put out my last cigarette that day over 2 years ago. Today, I love my smoke free life. You will too. What have you got to lose?"
"You've got no-nonsense facts clearly explained," wrote Paula Niemi. "'This is what smoking will do to you - this is how to quit for good.' Education, education, education."
"It's like having your very own smoking cessation group and so much more in the comfort of your own home, in a non-pressurized and familiar environment," replied Ian Lonsdale. "Above all, it just works."
"I've been watching the member numbers slowly creeping up too. Here's to 1000 very soon! This group could become gigantic," warned Ian.
"I think there were 100ish members when I joined," recalled Maggie Barradell. "It's brilliant."
"Glad to have been on board for the year for my own personal journey and to watch Turkeyville flourish," wrote Emma Hardy.
And what would members change? "Well first of all, I would charge them to come on here, then I'd give them back their money if they didn't succeed in quitting, after doing all the reading, plus the support," wrote Sandra Davies. "Only joking about charging them."
And what does Turkeyville's volunteer manager Joy Verdi Kauffman think? "Turkeyville is not your ordinary FaceBook message board. It is a community of cold turkey quitters who share their daily commitment to never take another puff. What makes us different than other stop smoking communities? Our knowledge! Turkeyville members are educated, and understand the 'Law of Addiction.'"
"The free relapse education that we receive at WhyQuit.com enables us to give some of the most knowledgeable group support available anywhere," contends Joy. "Smart turkeys who share the same journey, our destination is Easy Street, where we experience complete freedom from our addiction. Admission to Turkeyville is free! You have absolutely nothing to lose, except your cigarettes."