The health consequences causally linked to smoking: 2014 U.S. Surgeon General's Report Figure 1.1A

"Cigarette smoking has been causally linked to diseases of nearly all organs of the body."
U.S. Surgeon General 2014
U.S. Surgeon General 2014
Smoking Caused Cancers: acute myeloid leukemia (blood cancer), bladder cancer (where urine is stored), bronchus/bronchial cancer (major air passages of the lungs), cervical/cervix cancer (the narrow end of a woman's uterus, the womb in which babies develop before birth), colorectal/colon cancer (digestive intestines and rectum), esophagus/esophageal cancer (canal connecting the throat to the stomach), kidney cancer (removes waste from blood and makes urine) larynx cancer (vocal chords/voice box), liver cancer (makes bile to help digest fats and changes chemicals), lung cancer (organs for introducing oxygen into bloodstream and exhailing stale air), oropharynx cancer (oral or mouth cancers), pancreas/pancreatic cancer (produces insulin and digestive enzymes), stomach cancer (where food digestion begins), trachea cancer (the windpipe from the voice box to lung bronchial tubes).
Smoking Caused Diseases: age-related macular degeneration, aortic aneurysm, adult asthma, atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease, blindness, cataracts, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congenital defects from maternal smoking, coronary heart disease, diabetes, early abdominal aortic atherosclerosis in young adults, ectopic pregnancy, erectile dysfunction, hip fractures, immune function, periodontitis, pneumonia, reduced fertility in women, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke and tuberculosis.
Suspected Smoking Diseases: While sufficient medical evidence exists to conclude that smoking causes the above cancers and diseases, there are other diseases where the evidence is "suggestive" of a link to smoking yet insufficient to declare that smoking causes them. Examples include breast cancer, Crohn's disease, higher risk of death from prostate cancer, spontaneous abortion, and behavioral disorders and depression in children and teens.

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Created 07/04/14 and reformatted 01/13/20 by John R. Polito