
The lung cancer journey of Kim & Kelly as shared by their posts to Freedom
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 3/22/2002 10:49 PM
Hi fellow quitters:
I just thought I'd post a message to let you know how supportive this website has been for me. My sister (age 44) was diagnosed with lung cancer on March 7th. She was going in the hospital for a hysterectomy and had a chest x-ray done for her pre-op. That is how they found the cancer. Luckily, (if you can believe its lucky) the cancer was found at an early stage and has not spread from her lung. She does, however, have to have her left lung entirely removed. Fortunately, (again if you can believe this is fortunate), she will be short one lung, but will have her life.
When she told me, I of course was both shocked and devastated because as you know, these horrible things always happen to someone else. It has frightened the daylights out of me and I had no problem quitting cold turkey on March 7th when I got that news.
I was also leaving for vacation to Florida on March 7th and I had my carton of cigarettes packed in my suitcase. I gave them away (to someone I actually like?) and have had no regrets. Day 3 and 4 were the hardest, but I just chewed on a straw until my jaw ached. I still get the urge, but all I have to do is come to this site and get reinforcement. It really helps. I know I have a long way to go, but this site has really helped me to admit that I am a nicotine addict and I CAN NEVER AND WILL NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF. It isn't worth it.
Thanks for hearing me out.
Title: Still Scared
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 3/25/2002 6:37 PM
Just a post for myself so I will remember how scared I am.
I went to the doctor today and had a chest x-ray. Also had a lot of other tests done to see what damage I have done to myself. I go back to the doctor next Monday for the results, but deep in my heart I know that my tests will come back normal and that my sister will be okay.
Isn't amazing how you can smoke your face off for years and not even think about what you are doing to yourself and then live in fear after quitting.
I don't ever want to be this scared again, so I will NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF.
Nic Free - 2 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes, 9 seconds
Title: Turned Green Today, this is my first post
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 4/7/2002 11:03 PM
Hi all, I have been lurking in here for a month now and since I turned green today I thought its about time I made a posting. I was told I had lung cancer on March 7, 2002 and quit cold turkey on that day. I am a 44 year old female. My sister Headbo who is also a member here and has posted before, quit cold turkey with me on that day. What a shocker to find this out. I still don't know if it has really sunk in yet. I am having my left lung removed on April 17. I don't blame this cancer entirely on smoking. I was raised in a city with alot of industrial plants around with all kinds of smoke stacks and with no pollution controls back then. I was not a heavy smoker, but I did smoke for 30 years. Quitting was not hard after hearing that news. My house is now smoke free. My husband washed all the walls and ceilings in preparation for the clean air environment I'm going to need when I come home from the hospital. I'm really going to have to watch what I breath having one lung. Well thanks for listening all and wish me luck for this surgery.
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 4/7/2002 9:16 PM
Dear Quit Friends:
The bus finally came! There were a few anxious moments waiting at the bus stop, but I am very proud to get on board.
I know the ride to the next stop might be a little bumpy, but it will be much better than waiting at the bus stop. Next stop, I am hopping in the bronze limo. It looks like it may be too crowded by the time I get there, so I just may lease a new one -- why not -- after all I do have a new lease on life!
Feeling a little giddy right now!
Your Quit Friend,
I have chosen not to smoke for 1 Month 12 Minutes 14 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 620. Money saved: C$170.55.
Title: I'm curious
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 4/10/2002 8:41 PM
Is Joel an ex-smoker?
Title: I'm curious
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 4/11/2002 6:32 PM Thanks Joel for dedicating your life to us.........I really appreciate this site.
I heard about a quit smoking class some time ago and the teacher was a non-smoker. I wondered how on earth could a non-smoker possibly know what us smokers will be going through. I guess it was another Joel in disquise. Again thank-you for your commitment to us.
I also wonder how can you possibly keep up answering all these message
Not a puff for 5 weeks, 5 1/2 hours
Title: "Turned Green Today, this is my first post"
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 4/12/2002 8:27 PM
I just read the courtesies, and I apologise to everyone for not replying back. I'm still new here and will finally clue into all the Thank-you all for your support this is an excellent site. I sit here and read alot of posts.
My surgery is coming up fast and I'm getting very nervous. Wednesday is not far away. My power of attorney is finished and I've advised my husband of my wishes if anything should go wrong............but I'm going to be fine! and I'm going to be cancer free!...............and the best thing of all is...........I don't smoke anymore and I will never take another puff! I can't do to my right lung what I did to my left one...........
Goodbye left lung and goodbye cancer!!!!!
Title: I'm Upset - Surgery Postponed
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 4/16/2002 6:54 PM
I couldn't believe the parade of people who came into my work today to wish me well on my surgery tomorrow. Finally at 1:45 I broke down crying, overwhelmed by all the support, hugs and well wishes. I had myself so prepared for tommorrow. Then I get a phone call at 4 pm saying my surgery is canceled until next Tuesday because there are no beds in ICU. Needless to say I'm upset.
For the ones who are wondering what I'm talking about........I was to have my left lung removed tomorrow, due to cancer. I found out on March 7 after having a pre-op X-ray for another matter. Well I guess I'll cheer up now and look at it this way........It gives my right lung another week of healing and being smoke free.
another nicotine addict who has chosen not to smoke for 1M1W1D
Title: I'm Upset - Surgery Postponed
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 4/16/2002 8:56 PM
I can only imagine how disappointed you are. I know how disappointed I am after taking weeks of psyching myself that everything will be all right. Deep down in my heart, I know it will be.
Just think that in only one more week, the surgery will be done, you will be cancer free and we have the rest of our lives to be smoke free and put this nightmare behind us.
Hugs from your sister,
Title: I'm Upset - Surgery Postponed
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 4/17/2002 5:53 PM
I want to thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, prayers, hugs etc. I'm ok now, it was just a big let down after getting all geared up for it. To my sister Kelly, thanks for always being there. My friend Sharon has always said......Things happen for a reason, and I truly believe that.......someone needed that bed alot more than I did.
Tuesday is not far away, look how fast 1M,1W,2 D went and tomorrow is Thursday already! Thanks for all your support everyone.
Title: Prayers Requested
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 4/22/2002 9:53 PM
Hi all --
I'm crying my eyes out as I post this message. Just got a phone call that my sister's surgery has been moved up. It will take place tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. EST rather than 10:00 a.m. That means she has to be at hospital at 5:00 a.m. I thought I was so prepared for this. I've known since March 7th that this was going to happen, but reality just knocked really hard once again.
I'm not really sure why I am crying. I do believe the surgery will be successful and things will turn out good, but it is just upsetting. I can't even imagine how she is feeling.
I just ask for your prayers that she will have a speedy recovery and that life will return to normal very soon. Life was so normal not that long ago and it is amazing how quickly things can change.
To all you fellow quitters, be proud of your quit and keep it. You've done the right thing and I'll pray for each of you that you never have to go through this.
I have chosen not to smoke for 1 Month 2 Weeks 1 Day 52 Minutes 23 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 920. Money saved: C$253.20.
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 4/22/2002 10:33 PM
Hi all,
Well Kelly, you beat me to it. I was just coming on to tell everybody that I will not be here for at least a week or 2. Thank-you everybody for you support, I just love this community. Also thank-you Mirigirl for your personal e-mail. Tomorrow is definately a go, the Doctor just called to see if I had any questions and the phone has been ringing off the wall all evening. I'll get Kelly to keep you all posted on my recovery.
Bye for now,

Another nicotine addict for 32 years who has chosen not to smoke for 1M 2W
Title: HELLO! I'M BACK!!!!!
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 4/30/2002 2:54 PM
Hello all my Freedom Friends,
Well, one week after having my left lung removed I sit here typing away as usual on the computer. Recovery has been remarkable for me, I have come so far. I am still in a fair amount of pain and it especially hurts when I try to cough or laugh. I get sleepy alot too. I have one nasty gash across my back, I finally saw it yesterday. I am staying at my parents for a week before I go home, Mom is a retired nurse which is helpful. Nobody is home all day at my house anyways. I get alittle winded after going up the stairs but that will pass in time. Anyways I'm glad to be back here, must catch up on my posts.
Joel, don't worry about isn't going to happen. I quit not only because I had too, its also because I wanted too and did for some time. I don't have my quit meter here at my parents, so I'm not sure how long it is...........something like 1M3W
Take Care All, Glad to be Back
I don't have any of my gifs here
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 5/1/2002 11:18 AM
Thank-you all for your is greatly appreciated. Love to all,
Boy I miss my meter and
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 5/7/2002 11:01 PM
Hi all --
Thought I'd post to let you know I have reached two months. It is really hard to believe that the time has gone so fast. I still think about smoking here and there, but there is a difference between thinking about it and craving it. I definitely don't crave anymore and the thoughts are getting few and far between. The smell is actually disgusting and I get grossed out when I have to sit beside a smoker in a waiting room or anywhere else.
My apologies for not posting responses to everyone else's posts. I feel a little guilty for not giving back the support I have received, so . . . . .
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone on their personal milestones and WELCOME to everyone who is new here. It is as easy as taking it one day at a time and knowing you can never have another puff -- not even one.
I have chosen not to smoke for 2 Months 1 Hour 59 Minutes 31 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 1221. Money saved: C$335.96.
Title: HELLO! I'M BACK!!!!!
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 5/13/2002 7:07 PM
I am back at home now, doing very well. I have a nurse that comes everyday to change the dressing and she says she has seen alot of lung removals and that I'm doing remarkably well.
The last of the staples come out on Wednesday. I'm still a bit sore, short of breath today because of the weather I'm sure, and still need my naps here and
Thank-you all for you concern and well wishes, Its greatly appreciated!

From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 5/19/2002 12:17 PM
Hi my smoke free friends --
My husband mentioned to me that he had a dream he was smoking. When my son heard him say that, he said:
"That's not a dream dad, that's a nightmare!"
I got a good chuckle!
I have chosen not to smoke for 2 Months 1 Week 4 Days 15 Hours 19 Minutes 7 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 1452. Money saved: C$399.51.
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 5/20/2002 9:41 AM
Today it is Victoria Day here in Canada, in celebration of Queen Victoria's Birthday!
What I really want to celebrate is my current stats and I want all of you Freedom Family Members to do the same!

Another nicotine addict for 32 yrs, who has chosen not to smoke for 2 Months 1 Week 5 Days 20 Hours 56 Minutes 48 Seconds. 1108 less cigarettes inhaled. C$318.58 saved.

Kim's Story
June 26, 2002
Hi there, I'm glad you're taking the time to come and visit. Let me introduce myself, my name is Kim. I was born on December 17, 1957, in Ontario, Canada. I was born to two wonderful parents who were both smokers. In March of 1960, my brother Tad was born and in October of 1961, my sister Kelly was born ... [Read More]
Title: HELLO! I'M BACK!!!!!
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 5/30/2002 10:28 AM
Thank-you Joel, a good article [Quitting smoking key to fighting lung cancer].
I finished a cigarette just as I was pulling into my sister's place. I went in but she wasn't home for lunch yet. My brother-in-law said Tony's (my husband) looking for you, so I called him. He says are you sitting down and I said yes..........then he says the Doctor called, your X-rays show a spot in your left lung. I was stunned, dumbfounded, couldn't believe it.
That cigarette I smoked on the way to my sister's was the last one I smoked. I knew it was cigarettes that did this to me, I just couldn't keep smoking, how could I keep damaging my body. I want to live, I'm too young to die.
I can't understand how someone could keep smoking after being diagnosed, well I do and I don't..............nicotine is a powerful, controlling, highly addictive drug.
It will not control me anymore, I'm Free in more ways than one and I plan on staying that way.
I admire you all here in your quits.................please hold on to them!
Title: Kim is Bronze Today!!!!!
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 6/7/2002 10:40 AM
Today is a wonderful day for me, I've been nicotine free for 3 Months! And what a 3 months it has been. As most of you know I was diagnosed with lung cancer on March 7. It was also the last day I put a cigarette to my mouth. The rest of March and April was very busy with Dr. appts, tests, tests and more tests. I was wondering if I had any more blood for them to take. On April 23, I had my left lung removed, hoping it had not spread to my lymph nodes. I was in intensive care for 3 days with every tube and wire there possibly could have been. I was very strong and was healing quickly and so was released early. I went for my checkup the other day and the lymph nodes were negative. So I'm very happy to say "I AM CANCER FREE"
I'm certainly not out of the woods yet, I must be checked every 6 months for the next 3 years.
But I'm one of the very fortunate ones, why? I'll never know the answer to that. I just want everyone to know that it CAN happen to you and at any age. Hold on to your quits everyone your life does depend on it. And for my friend Gayle, I know you are lurking out can do it, you are one of the strongest persons I know, don't let nicotine control you. So that being said.........I'm celebrating today!!!!!

3 months today!!!!
Title: Kim is Bronze Today!!!!!
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 6/7/2002 6:14 PM
Lucky you! You don't have to chum around with Joe Chemo.

I know this is over with and the next three years will pass really quick.
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 6/7/2002 9:36 PM
Thank you all for your support and kind words! For being there when my family and I were going through this rough period in our lives. It's nice to know there are so many nice people out there. I love my Freedom Family. What I want all of you to do is hang on to those quits, if you are ever feeling down or you're on the verge of taking a puff, please think of me. Believe me you never want to go through what I went through and you may not be as lucky as me either. You don't want to be in the Wall of Remembrance. Take Care and Again Thank-you all!!!!
Title: $7.50
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 6/18/2002 11:21 PM
When my alarm went off this morning, I awoke to the news that a carton of cigarettes had increased by $9.00 (in Canada). I didn't really give it another thought because the price doesn't affect me anymore now that I don't smoke. I went to the gas station to get some gas (which has the cheapest smokes in the city and is where I used to buy them) and couldn't help asking how much a pack of smokes cost.
Is this for real. Most Canadian smokers will now spend a minimum of $7.50 a day to kill themselves. I am so thankful that I haven't smoked for 3 Months 1 Week 4 Days 2 Hours 19 Minutes 42 Seconds and I will never take another puff.
It just isn't worth it in more ways than one.
(Bronze -- Yahoo)
Title: "Fortunate To Be Alive To Tell About It!"
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 6/26/2002 7:25 PM
First of all Thank-you John for asking me to share my story. If it helps people realize that smoking does kill then it was well worth it. Nobody is invincible from the harm smoking causes. Hang on to those quits everyone, and for you Lurkers out is the time!

Richard? Do you have an extra hankie for Kelly?
Title: "Fortunate To Be Alive To Tell About It!
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 6/27/2002 10:59 PM
Thank-you all for the positive feedback. It makes it all worthwhile. Lark, I'm glad you shared your friend's story. The more stories that are told, the more we all realize that smoking does kill.
And how could I forget to thank my sister Kelly for always being there and for finding this site.
Hugs to All,

From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 7/11/2002 9:04 PM
There are a couple of things that have come up in this thread that I would like to touch on:
1. Lexi, you mentioned a dull pain in your upper shoulder. Please go and get an X-ray. Both my friend and I had that same pain before we were diagnosed with lung cancer.
2. txsmama, you say your mother has a small spot on her lung. Another friend of mine's mother had a small spot show up on her lung. They monitered it for over a year before it started to grow. They ended up removing part of her lung. She is now cancer free.
Boy, alot of cancer around me eh?
3. And David, thank-you............ beautiful?

4. And I'll say it again!!!! For all you Lurkers..........."NOW IS THE TIME"
Thanks for all your replies!!!

Title: "Fortunate To Be Alive To Tell About It!
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 8/29/2002 11:23 AM
Thanks for thinking about me Linda. I am still around and still smoke-free.........6 months to be exact on September 7th.
It is summer and I've been taking in the good weather while I can. The winters up here in Canada are long and cold. I'll be back posting regularily in about a month.
See you all then,
Title: 5 Months Today!!!!
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 8/7/2002 10:47 AM
I know I haven't been here much lately. First off my computer modem went and I didn't have it for a week and I have been spending time at a cottage my sister and friends rented. Also summer time there is so much to do.....................I do come and read some even though I don't post. So congratulations all you colour changers and newbies you are all doing great. I do reply to all my e-mails I receive via my web page.
Anyways, today marks the 5 month anniversary that I was told I had lung cancer and it has also been 5 months since I put a cigarette to my mouth. The time has just flown by, its hard to believe its been that long.
My recovery from surgery has been great. There is one tiny spot left on the incision line and that will be gone shortly. I took my last heart pill yesterday and everything seems fine. Everyone says how good I look and they would never know what I have been through. I put on my jeans last night (my big pair) and boy they are
What I'm really proud of is, that I have not smoked for 5 months and I rarely think about it anymore. I even went to an outdoor concert and drank quite a bit and the next day I thought, "I never even thought about a smoke last night", which proves the fact that it really does get easier!
It won't be long until silver arrives now and I will be there with my pass to board the liner.........

5 Months today!
"Fortunate To Be Alive To Tell About It!" webpage
Title: 5 Months Today!!!!
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 8/7/2002 6:40 PM
A toast to you and a toast to me! Congratulations on 5 months sis.
Mom said to me last Sunday that she had to give us credit and it sure made me feel good. I guess there IS a bright side to everything. Smoke free and never going back,
5 months today
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 9/6/2002 7:06 PM
It's hard to believe that 6 months has past since my life changed forever. It changed not only because I quit smoking but because I was diagnosed with lung cancer. (For those of you who don't know of me or my history please visit my webpage - "Fortunate To Be Alive To Tell About It!"
Because of this crisis happening to me, it has inspired others to give up their nicotine addiction. My sister Kelly quit the same day I did and her husband soon followed. I said to my husband not long ago "My 6 month Anniversary would be a good day for you to quit too." I'll just wait and see what happens.
A couple I hardly know came into my place of business just to see how I was doing after surgery. She told me her quit was going well but her husband was having some difficult times with his. I asked them when they had quit smoking and they said "the day of your surgery." I was quite touched by that.
I receive a fair amount of e-mail from my webpage and from what I'm told it has inspired many or has helped them from relapsing. Good to hear that!!
As for my health, I'm certainly not up to par yet, actually I'm far from it. I had to cancel my annual canoe trip this year because there was no way I could have paddled for 2 days.
I go for my 6 month cat scan next week and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'm still cancer free. I'll never forget my mother saying how lucky I am and how she couldn't imagine what life would be like without me. Scary thought!!
Last but not least "FREEDOM"'s the education and support that makes this site what it is today. I wish I had been this educated years ago. (Silly how we think its just a nasty little habit) Oh and don't let me forget the great people here too!!!
Ok, I have rambled enough........Let the party begin!!!!!
6 Months Free
From: headbo (gold) Sent: 9/6/2002 11:50 PM
A toast to you and a toast to me. Congratulations on six months.
NOT A PUFF for 6 months and NEVER GOING BACK.
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 9/11/2002 12:06 PM
Thank-you all for your Congratulations on this Silver Milestone! Your words of care and concern are greatly appreciated. I know I have inspired many of you and so sharing my story with you all has made it worthwhile.
A lady came in my store yesterday and told me her father just found out he had unoperable lung cancer and another 41 year old just died of cancer. I am so very lucky!
So all you Lurkers out there, nobody is free from the consequences of smoking, it takes its toll on all of us. Now is the time to quit and we are the people to help you!!!
Kim...............6 Months Free and Healing!
"Don't pay big $$$ to slowly kill yourself !"
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 10/26/2002 8:36 PM
Dear Freedom
I remember seeing business cards not too long ago and I wish I knew where they are now because I sure could have used one tonight.
I went out for supper. One half of the place is a bar and the other half is a restaurant and we sat in the restaurant side. The only people in the restaurant were us and another table. Unfortunately, King Phlegm was sitting at the other table. Within one half hour between three cigarettes, he hacked, coughed, blew his nose, gagged and gurgled phlegm and repeated the whole process over and over, until I was so grossed out I couldn't eat my dinner. I complained to the waitress and asked why on earth they would designate 1 table in the restaurant side as the smoking area when they have a bar where people can smoke. The answer I received was, it's the by-law. They have to designate a smoking area in the restaurant because youth aren't allowed in the bar.
In these circumstances I would have loved to hand this guy a business card to visit whyquit, so he could do himself a favour and everyone else who has ever had to listen to him.
It was totally disgusting. Can I hand out business cards? and if so, where's the link?
Any other suggestions on how to handle that type of situation other than leaving?
7 months +
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 10/27/2002 12:14 PM
My husband and I were with Kelly last evening at the restaurant. This guy sat down and let out a cough and I said to Kelly, he smokes. I can tell a smoker's cough anytime. Then he lights up a smoke and he starts, just like Kelly describes above..... it was GROSS! Take a puff, cough, cough, cough, take a puff etc. I really wished we had business cards cause I definately would have given him one.
I checked out the ones that Nora gave, but they are not compatible with my computer (those had 8 per page, mine prints 10). So I made my own.....
Front Back
They look really good printed out on Business Card paper! Think they will get the message across?
Kim.............7 Months + Free
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 10/27/2002 1:33 PM
Kim -
Your cards look good to me. Please print me a few.
I don't care if anyone takes offense to me giving them one. Nothing was as offensive than what we had to listen to while eating dinner.
It really is amazing how nicotine addition makes you keep smoking when your body is screaming at you to stop. I should probably feel sorry for him, but he could have left the room and gone to the washroom or something or he could have at least quit lighting up. I'm sure he knew we were grossed out.
Thanks for the links Nora and Bob.
7 months +
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 10/28/2002 8:52 PM
John -
Kim printed me a few cards and I must say I was impressed at how good they look. I haven't given any out yet, but I won't be embarrassed to do so. I think I need to vary mine a bit because the back says "this is me . . . " etc. and, of course, it isn't me, but we are working on a variation for me.
I remember being in a restaurant (with Kim actually) a few years back and some guy came up to us and told us about the horrors of smoking. He said he'd rather see us smoking marijuana -- at least it was natural. It didn't have much of an impact on me then, but I don't recall thinking he was an idiot or anything.
I think giving them out is a good idea or just leaving them at tables somewhere. I tell alot of people about this website and how great it is. If I had a card, at least they could come here at their leisure and not wonder "what was the address of that website she told me about".
7 1/2 months +
Title: The "I never want to forget how much Freedom helped me" Parade!
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 12/16/2002 9:42 PM
I wish I had been this educated years ago! If I had known that I was a nicotine addict and it wasn't just a nasty little habit I had, I wouldn't have lost my past quits. Knowing that I'm an addict and that one puff means full blown relapse makes all the sense in the world. Thank-you Freedom for your education. Thank-you to all you wonderful people here fighting the same addiction and supporting each other. Thank-you managers for all you commitment to this site!

9 Months +
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent 12/17/2002 4:53 PM
[Note: below Kim responds to a quitter battling irritability]
Hang in there Chook.............I know this is hard to accept when you are feeling this way, but believe us when we say "IT GETS BETTER" cause it does. It really does!!! are normal and you look wonderful in Green and you will look even more fabulous in Bronze! just hang in there!

9 Months +
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 12/20/2002 11:14 PM
I'm sure everyone has heard the saying: "If it's too good to be true, then it probably is."
I hate to say it, but Kim was rushed to the hospital at about 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday night, (the day after her 45th birthday) as she had suffered a seizure at home. Tony (her husband) found her on the floor and she was blue. He gave her mouth to mouth and called 911 and the ambulance rushed her to to the hospital. They gave her a CT scan at 11:00 p.m. and at 12:30 a.m. our worst fears were confirmed. She has a tumour on her brain. She had an MRI this morning at 8:30 a.m. and the results and all her history has been sent to London (which is the best health care facility in or area). We are waiting to hear back to see if it is operable and what the best way to treat it is.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought I should let you know. After all, you are all family too. I must admit everyone is very upset, but it isn't going to ruin our Christmas. We are not going to let that happen and as you know, Kim is a fighter and she will beat this one too.
By the way, Kim is still in the hospital and is hoping to get out soon, but she said it would be okay to post the bad news.
Just when you think you are really home free, another nightmare begins.
NOT A PUFF FOR 9 Months 1 Week 6 Days 2 Hours 17 Minutes 44 Seconds AND NEVER GOING BACK.
Cigarettes not smoked: 5761. Money saved: C$1,584.53.
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 12/21/2002 10:35 AM
Your warm wishes and prayers are accepted with wide, open arms. They worked for us the last time and they will work again this time.
Joel, when I said "Too good to be true", I meant that she could have her lung removed with no further treatment like chemo or radiation and that would be the end of our cancer experience. I know people do survive cancer and in fact I do know a few who have and now I am going to know one more. I believe a positive attiude is half the battle so we're already half way to beating it. I guess we were just confident that she had beat it and that it was over and done with.
Newbies or anyone else missing their cigarettes, quitting smoking is a piece of cake compared to what you might have to deal with later. You may think quitting is unbearable, but withdrawal does go away and you eventually come to a point where you don't even think about smoking. I wish I was dealing with the early days of a quit instead of this and I know Kim is too.
Don't think for one minute that Kim or myself feel like smoking. That is the last thing on our minds. We both know that it won't solve our situation and it will only make things worse. In fact, we just shake our heads when we see people smoking wishing they would educate themselves. After all, education is the key to success and this site gets all credit for that.
John, sometime down the road, the web page will have to be revised. Maybe a long P.S. can be added or maybe a Part I and Part II. In any event, the title WILL NOT CHANGE.
I wish everyone a healthy, happy and peaceful holiday.
I'll keep you posted and thanks again,
From: headbo (Kelly) Sent: 12/21/2002 5:30 PM
Operation Update:
I just got home from the hospital. Kim will probably be getting out tomorrow.
The doctors in London said there is only one tumour and that they can remove it. They don't know if she will need radiation or not and the neurosurgeon will decide at the time of her surgery. She has to take anti-swelling and anti-seizure medication for 2 weeks and then they will operate sometime early January. Thanks again for everyone's overwhelming support, it really does help.
And remember to never take another puff. It really isn't worth it.
From: kito40 (Kim)
Sent: 12/23/2002 11:19 AM
Hello my wonderful Freedom family,
I was released from the hospital yesterday, the anti seizure drugs are making me feel like a real space cadet. I went for a blood test this morning to make sure the medication levels are within range, I'm just waiting to hear the results.
I will be seeing a neo-surgeron in the new year and the prognosis sounds good. According to the MRI results the tumour is confined to one spot on the right side of the brain and sounds like it can be removed easily.
I want to thank you all for you prayers and well wishes, believe me they really help at this sad time. I want everyone to have a great holiday and I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
Kim.........9 Months plus and forever committed to "Never take another Puff"
Title: Surgery is Booked for Monday Morning
From: kito40 - (Kim)
Sent: 1/9/2003 8:44 PM
I saw the neurosurgeon today and he has booked the brain tumour removal for Monday morning at 11 am. The tumour is 2 cm in size and is just under the skin on the right side of the brain. I will be sedated but awake during the procedure as they need to monitor my motor skills as they are removing it. He said there is no guarantee that they can get it all but they will keep removing as long as all my functions keep working.
There will be radiation sometime afterwards. It needs time to heal first and to let the swelling go down as radiation causes swelling also.
Kelly will keep you all up to date.
Kim...................10 months +..... and wishing I was going through withdrawal instead of this!
Title: Surgery is Booked for Monday Morning
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 1/9/2003 9:06 PM
I reckon this will be my posting on Tuesday:
Kim tolerated her surgery very well. She is up and talking and they are letting her out of the hospital on today.
They got the whole tumour out with no problem to her motor skills. They are going to give her radiation for insurance purposes, but the doctors have given her a clean bill of health.
10 months + and hoping people get the message that smoking just isn't worth it
Title: Surgery is Booked for Monday Morning
From: kito40 (Kim) Gold
Sent: 1/12/2003 8:08 PM
My Freedom family is wonderful! I feel all that positive energy coming my way and it feels great!
I want all of you to know that I am not afraid of tomorrow, I feel confident I am in great hands and everything is going to go well.
The surgery is scheduled for noon Canadian EST, so send all you vibes then..........thanks and I love you all!

Kim and Kelly after surgery on January 14, 2003
Title: Surgery is Booked for Monday Morning
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 1/15/2003 6:03 PM
Dear Freedom Friends:
Sorry to take so long with the update, but as you all know, no news is good news.
I am so happy to report that they got the entire tumour out without any effect at all to her motor skills. A CT scan after her operation came back clear and once again, she is cancer free. They are going to arrange radiation in a couple of weeks.
Once again, all of your prayers and positive energy have helped win another battle and thank you seems so inadequate.
We are at my parent's house right now and Kim is having a nap, but she will be online later.
Thanks again all,
10 months +

Kim recovering, about a week after surgery
Title: Surgery is Booked for Monday Morning
From: kito40 (Kim) Gold
Sent: 1/16/2003 1:11 PM
Hello All!
I am at my Mom and Dad's again, they look after me after surgery cause no one is at home at my house during the day. My Mom is a retired nurse which is an added bonus.
As you all know the surgery went well and I was awake during the 2 hr 20 min procedure. They gave me a squeeky toy in my left hand and made me squeek it every time they asked so they knew my left side was still working. It was quite the weird feeling when they sawed my skull open. The only thing that hurt was when they put the freezing in my head and when they stapled it up after. Apparantly your brain has no feeling. The side of my head is shaved with a small circle of staples. I'll need to get a hat My husband took pictures, so I'll get them scanned and sent to John to update my webpage. One is of Kelly and I in my hospital bed, hope it turns out.
I want to thank everybody for you hugs, prayers and all that positive energy sent my way, I could really feel it and I know it helped in making the surgery successful.
I will be getting radiation in a couple of weeks as a precaution cause there is a chance that smaller than microscopic cells could still be there.
Thank-you all and I have no gifs here
Title: Surgery is Booked for Monday Morning
From: headbo (Kelly)
Sent: 1/16/2003 1:32 PM
Dear Freedom Friends:
We forgot to mention a very important comment the doctor made when we were leaving the hospital, which was:
"Don't take up smoking again."
We assured him that we were both far too educated to ever do that.
10 months +
Title: One Year Ago, I Started 2 Journeys.....
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 3/7/2003 10:33 AM
March 7, 2002 is the day I started two journeys, a day I will never forget.
Journey #1 - Quitting smoking............ I knew my smoking days were over. There was no choice in the matter, nicodemon had already started his death wish. My sister found Whyquit, we educated ourselves and now there is no looking back. I would have done anything for nicotine, but not anymore. I do feel so much better, no more coughing up phlgem or going into coughing fits when I laughed. When I would walk outside in winter and breathe in that first cold breath, it was an instant coughing fit too. The days at first seemed so long, but then I turned green, then silver and now GOLD......One whole year! I am so happy to be nicotine free.
Journey #2 - March 7 was also the beginning of my battle with cancer. I was a person who believed that it would never happen to me, it only happens to other people. Being told I had lung cancer was not only a total shock to me but for my family as well. How could I possibly continue to smoke? The thought of "Oh well why quit now I already have cancer" never crossed my mind. Smoking was definately not an option for me anymore, it was starting to kill me. My health was too important now, I couldn't keep doing this to myself.
As most of you know, I had my lung removed April 23, 2002. I recovered quickly from that surgery and was feeling great. My 6 month checkup came back clean. Then on December 18, 2002 I suffered a seizure, was rushed to hospital and a brain tumor was discovered.
I saw the neurosurgeon on January 9, 2003. He made me do all these coordination tests to make sure the seizure had not affected my motor skills. He then asked me if I had a cough, I told him I used to but not since I quit smoking. After his examination he said I was a good candidate for the surgery. I didn't realize there were good and bad candidates. On the morning of the surgery (January 13), he asked me again if I had coughed. I finally figured out why he was asking. He couldn't risk me coughing and moving during the delicate surgery he was going to perform. So I have to wonder....if I hadn't quit smoking and still had that smoker's cough would he have said "sorry I can't do the surgery on you, you are too much of a risk." A scary thought! He said he removed all of the tumor but I still had to endure two weeks of radiation. Thanks to the radiation, I have no hair and I had a bad burn on my forehead, eyelids and parts of my head, it's now peeling.
So newbies and lurkers I have to say withdrawal is nothing compared to what I have been through this year and who knows what the future will bring. Anybody can quit as long as they can accept the fact they are nicotine addicts and educate themselves. Believe me when I, and the others say it gets easier, because it really does. I can honestly say I can't remember the last time I had a crave.
I want to thank John for asking me to put my story on this site, I know it has helped many. I continue to share it in hopes that it will reinforce all of your quits and inspire others to take control of their lives by "NEVER TAKING ANOTHER PUFF"...........Now let the Party Begin!!!!!
MSN will not let me post any gifs : ( ..................Kim.....Golden!!!!
Title: One Year Ago, I Started 2 Journeys.....
From: headbo (gold) Sent: 3/7/2003 1:43 PM
Congratulations on GOLD sis. I'm right there with ya, but it's not official til 9:00 p.m.
NOT A PUFF FOR 11 Months 3 Weeks 6 Days 16 Hours 44 Minutes 51 Seconds AND NEVER GOING BACK.
Cigarettes not smoked: 7293. Money saved: C$2,005.84.
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 3/7/2003 7:45 PM
Since Richard gave me the okay to celebrate early, I will.
Exactly one year ago today, I was on my way to Florida and just before leaving home, my sister gave me some devastating news. We drove to Detroit that night and I went into the bathroom of our hotel room at 9:00 p.m. and smoked my last cigarette. I never told anyone, but I knew that was the last cigarette I would ever smoke. I didn't smoke it because I was craving it and I really don't know why I did, but for some reason or other, I thought I should.
I held onto my carton of cigarettes for a full week and kept telling myself that I could smoke them if I wanted to, but I was choosing not to. I gave them away exactly one week later to friends who were flying out of Florida that day. From then on, I told myself that if I was going to smoke, I would have done it yesterday. I remember Day 4 was especially hard for me, but once I got past that day, it really wasn't as hard as I imagined. In fact Days 1, 2 and 3 weren't hard at all. I can still hardly believe that I have been nicotine free for one year.
I found this site by accident when I came home from Florida. I read the Message Boards and got a chuckle reading everyone's stats -- right down to the second. I read all of Joel's articles and it was this site that taught me the "Law of Addiction" and that quitting smoking really is as easy as "never taking another puff".
Quitting is doable. Just do it now and don't wait to "Bottom Out".
Proud Member of the Gold Club
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 3/7/2003 11:00 PM
You truly are Solid Gold!
Thanks for being there and walking side by side with me as we continue this journey that is not over yet. Your real quit sister Kim who is golden today too!
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 3/9/2003 11:50 AM
I want to thank you all for the congratulations and well wishes on my Golden Anniversary. Smoking is an expensive way to kill yourself. I've spend thousands only to end up with lung cancer, a brain tumor and who knows what the future will bring. So all of you in your early stages of your quit............please believe me, "Withdrawal is so much easier than what I have been through this past year." Quitting is really not that hard with education and support .........and you have found the place to do it!

1 Year 1 Day 23 Hours 3 Minutes 38 Seconds. And way to educated to ever take another puff!
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 3/9/2003 10:53 AM
A big thank you to everyone who joined in my celebration on turning GOLD. Your kind words are truly appreciated.
I can honestly say that quitting smoking was the best thing I have ever done in my entire life and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. In fact, it's hard to believe that I used to smoke at all. Words cannot express the accomplishment I feel.
Thanks again to everyone here. I know I will never take another puff.
I also know that I will always be 5 days ahead of Richard.

Kim in April 2003 during chemotherapy
Title: Health Update of the Last 6 Months
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 6/6/2003 8:41 PM
This is an update as to what's been happening since my tumor removal in January. There have been new pictures added to my webpage and this thread will be added there too. Visit it at WhyQuit and see me bald!
London, Ontario, Canada is the home of one of the largest cancer clinics around. It also houses some of the top Doctors in the field. People come from miles to receive radiation and chemo treatment. Fortunately I only live a 1 hour drive from London and my home town has its own chemo treatment facility.
Jan 28/03-London- First day of my 10 treatments of radiation to my head. I stay in London at a Lodge sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Society.
Feb 10/03-London- The last treatment, and my ears are feeling plugged. I'm told radiation causes the wax to go hard, thus impair hearing.
Feb 11/03-Home- My hair starts to fall out and I finally shave it off 3 days later.
Feb 12/03-Home- I have a bone scan and an ultrasound. I'm told I have three spots on my adrenal gland and my family Dr. contacts London. They decide chemo is the next step and set me up with the chemo Dr. at home.
March 6/03-London- I see the Neurosugeon who removed the tumor and he says I have done exceptionally well and I won't need to see him again.
Mar 11/03- I receive a notice from the Ministry of Transportation that my driver's license has been suspended until I have been one full year seizure free which will be December, 2003.
Mar 19/03-Home- I start chemo which consists of once a week for two weeks and one week off, times 6 sessions.
Mar 26/03-Home- I see an Ear Specialist who says I have fluid in the middle ear which is quite common with radiation. The only thing he can do is put tubes in, but he can't give me an anesthetic while I'm taking chemo.
Mar 27/03-Home- I have a Cat Scan and the results say I have one spot on my adrenal gland. My family Dr. says that ultrasounds are not that accurate and I only have the one spot.
April 14/03-Home- I have an MRI to the head done, results say the spot behind my left eye has not grown any since January. What spot behind my eye? this is the first I've heard about it.
April28/03-London- My Oncologist explains to Kelly and I that the spot on the original scan done in December after the seizure was mistaken for a blood vessel, but on the MRI in January it had shown growth. The spot was zapped during radiation and has not grown any since. I was told that chemo should take care of it too. I was also informed that it can come alive again and needs to be monitored. It is operable if need be.
May 7/03-London- I have a follow up appt with my radiation Dr. He says I am doing and looking good. He explains that once the head is radiated they really don't like to do it again, but they can radiate the one spot.
June 5/03-Home- My chemo Dr. has just returned home from a conference in Chicago and the top chemo specialist there said that 4 treatment sessions are just as effective as 6 when it comes to lung cancer (which was my primary cancer). So June 12 will be my last treatment ....... yahoo!
I have an MRI for my head booked for July16 and I will need to book an abdominal cat scan. I will also have to get my ears done too. And with fingers crossed I'm hoping to hear the words "You are Cancer Free"
So my last year and a half has been a full plate for both me and my family and its not over yet. Do you know how many times I've been poked with needles during all this time, Kim the biggest whuss when it comes to needles. I feel like a human pin cushion. Do you know what its like to feel so run down, tired and exhausted for 6 months? I have a hard time wondering what feeling normal is, I have slept nearly half of it away. The feeling of not wanting to do anything and I mean nothing.
This is one of the things that smoking will do to you. Doesn't withdrawal for 3 days sound a whole lot better? Fighting a few craves or triggers is a whole lot easier that what I have been through this past year and a half. If I had only known years ago. Think about it, quitting is so much easier! Believe me, I know!

One year, two months, four weeks, two days, 7 hours, 49 minutes and 57 seconds.
And way too educated about my addiction to ever take another puff!
Title: Health Update of the Last 6 Months
From: headbo (gold) Sent: 6/8/2003 11:25 PM
What a surprise to take a break from painting my bedroom and finding an update. I'm really happy that the chemo is over with and I hope you gave them cancer cells the kick in the butt they deserve. I honestly feel in my heart that everything is going to work out.
Keep fighting and show them who the boss is.
Gold Club and late as usual
Title: So I asked the Dr...
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 9/8/2003 9:45 PM

So I asked the Dr...

He said that my hair growth is showing the degrees of radiation I had. I had the most on the top of my head, a little less on the sides and that patch on the back of my head is where my head touched the headrest on the bed.
I thought you all might like to have a good laugh

Hope it grows in soon.

Quit for 1 Year 6 Months 1 Day 8 Hours 55 Minutes 18 Seconds and way to educated about my addiction to ever take another puff.
Title: My Health
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 1/25/2004 11:29 AM
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 1/25/2004 11:29 AM
John contacted me yesterday after receiving an e-mail from a member wondering how I was doing.
Well all, I was put back on chemo Dec. 2 as the tumor on my adreanal gland has grown. I go once a week for treatment and then 3 weeks off, for about 5 - 6 times. I went for a bone scan last Friday and an MRI of my head is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I also have an ultrasound on Feb 6 to see if this round of chemo is working. I will see the specialists in London the first part of Feb.
To top things off I have terrible sciatic pain running down the back of my right leg which makes it hard to bend over or sit down. The only relief is to stand. My family Dr. gave me heavy duty pain killers, but it only dulls the pain.
After I get the results from all the tests I will post the results.
Thanks for all your continued concern about me and I'm sorry for being so tardy in keeping you all informed.
Keep up the great work everyone, don't end up like me.
Quit for 1 Year 10 Months 2 Weeks 3 Days 22 Hours 39 Minutes 8 Seconds and way to educated about my addiction to ever take another puff.
For those who don't know me, visit my webpage at
Well all, I was put back on chemo Dec. 2 as the tumor on my adreanal gland has grown. I go once a week for treatment and then 3 weeks off, for about 5 - 6 times. I went for a bone scan last Friday and an MRI of my head is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I also have an ultrasound on Feb 6 to see if this round of chemo is working. I will see the specialists in London the first part of Feb.
To top things off I have terrible sciatic pain running down the back of my right leg which makes it hard to bend over or sit down. The only relief is to stand. My family Dr. gave me heavy duty pain killers, but it only dulls the pain.
After I get the results from all the tests I will post the results.
Thanks for all your continued concern about me and I'm sorry for being so tardy in keeping you all informed.
Keep up the great work everyone, don't end up like me.

Quit for 1 Year 10 Months 2 Weeks 3 Days 22 Hours 39 Minutes 8 Seconds and way to educated about my addiction to ever take another puff.
For those who don't know me, visit my webpage at
Title: My Health
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 1/26/2004 9:46 AM
Don't worry about your MRI today. I'm positive the scan will show that your head is "empty". Just keep on fighting and never give up.
Freedom Friends --
I know I don't post much, but I do lurk an awful lot. Welcome newcomers and congratulations to everyone celebrating their milestones.
It's hard to believe it has been almost 2 years that I've been smoke free. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
I have chosen not to smoke for 1 Year 10 Months 2 Weeks 4 Days 12 Hours 38 Minutes 3 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 13790. Money saved: C$3,792.40.
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 1/26/2004 9:58 AM

From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 1/26/2004 3:21 PM

I never dreamed when John asked me to post my story, that I would touch so many people.
Joel is right when he quotes me as saying "I wish I was going through withdrawal instead of this", believe me, withdrawal is an easier fight. At least it comes to the point where you can forget about. Take care everyone, I will be back with all the results. NTAP!, it's not worth it!

From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 2/13/2004
Sent: 2/13/2004

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
I'm totally in Love with my Quit which is coming up on "2" years!
Quit for 1 Year 11 Months 6 Days 6 Hours 34 Minutes 17 Seconds and way to educated about my addiction to ever take another puff.
I'm totally in Love with my Quit which is coming up on "2" years!
Quit for 1 Year 11 Months 6 Days 6 Hours 34 Minutes 17 Seconds and way to educated about my addiction to ever take another puff.

Title: Two year twin tribute parade - triffic !
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 3/7/2004 8:27 PM
Thanks for the parade Richard. It is an honour to have a parade dedicated to us.
Quitting smoking was the biggest accomplishment I have ever done in my life and today it is hard to believe that I actually smoked.
Free and loving it!

Title: Two year twin tribute parade - triffic !
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 3/8/2004 12:49 PM
From: kito40 - Gold
Sent: 3/8/2004 12:49 PM
Thank-you Richard for the Parade!
Hard to believe its been 2 years already. I don't even think of smoking anymore, definately a thing of the past. My health is too important at this time and the next step is up in the air. Chemo, radiation, surgery or oxygen theraphy, maybe all of them. I have 2 brain tumors and a tumor on the adrenal gland. All of these tumors originally spread from the lung cancer I had.
Believe me everyone, withdrawal was and is so much easier than this 2 year cancer battle I have been fighting. The craves disappeared, the cancer hasn't.
Believe me everyone, withdrawal was and is so much easier than this 2 year cancer battle I have been fighting. The craves disappeared, the cancer hasn't.

2 Years
Title: My sister Kim
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 6/23/2004 11:49 PM
This is a most difficult post, but I thought I should let you know that my big sister and best friend, Kim, passed away this morning, June 23rd, 2004 at age 46. As most of you know, she was diagnosed with lung cancer on March 7th, 2002 and fought the biggest battle of her life.
Kim had another brain tumor that was causing her problems with balance, memory and confusion. Because she did so well with the last surgery, the same doctor removed it on June 16th, but only this time she suffered a stroke and never recovered. Kim had a strong heart and lived for one week although she was unresponsive.
Kim suffered a great deal the last 6 months of her life. She had severe pain because of another tumor on her adrenal gland, but never complained because she would never want to burden anyone. I know she suffered much in silence and the last thing she wanted was for anyone to fuss or worry about her.
Kim's pain is over now, but her family's has just begun. A pain that I hope none of you ever have to experience. Trust me when I say that quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.
My life has been forever changed.
I have chosen not to smoke for 2 Years 3 Months 2 Weeks 2 Days 1 Hour 45 Minutes 7 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 16781. Money saved: C$4,614.90.
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 6/23/2004 11:49 PM
This is a most difficult post, but I thought I should let you know that my big sister and best friend, Kim, passed away this morning, June 23rd, 2004 at age 46. As most of you know, she was diagnosed with lung cancer on March 7th, 2002 and fought the biggest battle of her life.
Kim had another brain tumor that was causing her problems with balance, memory and confusion. Because she did so well with the last surgery, the same doctor removed it on June 16th, but only this time she suffered a stroke and never recovered. Kim had a strong heart and lived for one week although she was unresponsive.
Kim suffered a great deal the last 6 months of her life. She had severe pain because of another tumor on her adrenal gland, but never complained because she would never want to burden anyone. I know she suffered much in silence and the last thing she wanted was for anyone to fuss or worry about her.
Kim's pain is over now, but her family's has just begun. A pain that I hope none of you ever have to experience. Trust me when I say that quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.
My life has been forever changed.
I have chosen not to smoke for 2 Years 3 Months 2 Weeks 2 Days 1 Hour 45 Minutes 7 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 16781. Money saved: C$4,614.90.
Title: My sister Kim
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 6/25/2004 12:13 AM
Your kindness has once again brought tears to my eyes. If I could only find the words to express how much your thoughtfulness means to me. Thank you seems so inadequate.
From: headbo (gold)
Sent: 11/20/2004 4:09 PM
Sent: 11/20/2004 4:09 PM
I once had something precious
That money could not buy
I had a special sister
And had to say goodbye
The memories and the photos
Are all I have to touch
Of that very special sister
Who I loved and miss so much
And when I'm feeling lonely
And tears fill in my eyes
I think of her at peace
And know I shouldn't cry
I try to hide my heartache Kim
As you would want me to
So when I cry my tears alone
No one hears but you.
Miss ya lots,
That money could not buy
I had a special sister
And had to say goodbye
The memories and the photos
Are all I have to touch
Of that very special sister
Who I loved and miss so much
And when I'm feeling lonely
And tears fill in my eyes
I think of her at peace
And know I shouldn't cry
I try to hide my heartache Kim
As you would want me to
So when I cry my tears alone
No one hears but you.
Miss ya lots,
Smart Turkey
- Founded in July 1999, WhyQuit is the Internet's oldest forum devoted to the art, science and psychology of cold turkey quitting, the nicotine dependency recovery method that each year produces more successful ex-users than all other methods combined.
- Why? Why quit? Here we collect and share WhyQuit's motivational articles. It's our hope that these materials will contribute toward fueling your dreams and resolve long enough to allow you to arrive here on Easy Street with us.
- Joel's Library Joel Spitzer devoted nearly 50 years toward teaching why smokers should quit, how to quit, and how to stay free. Joel's Library is home to Joel's "Daily Quitting Lesson Guide," Joel's 100 Reinforcement Articles, to his free ebook Never Take Another Puff, and his collection of nearly 500 video stop smoking lessons.
- Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home Written by John R. Polito, a former 30-year heavy smoker, WhyQuit's founder and Turkeyville's director. While there are hundreds of quitting books only one was cited by the Surgeon General's 2020 Quit Smoking Report, Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home.
- Smart Turkey Smart Turkey is home to recovery articles written by students of Joel Spitzer, which includes "Memorable Freedom Threads"
- Turkeyville If quitting cold turkey and looking for a deadly serious and highly focused support group, visit Turkeyville. Home to more than 13,000 like-minded quitters, we have two requests before posting. First, carefully read Turkeyville's Rules as membership and posting are conditioned upon them. Last, do not post if still using nicotine as posting is reserved for those who have stopped.
- Nicotine Cessation Topic Index An alphabetical subject matter index to hundreds of nicotine cessation support group discussions, article and videos.
- 50 Quitting Tips Key cold turkey nicotine cessation insights into how to stop smoking, vaping, chewing or sucking nicotine into your body and bloodstream.

Page created 06/26/02 and reformatted 01/26/21 by John R. Polito