Turkey's Triumphs
Reflections from cold turkey quitters who've remained nicotine-free for at least 1 year

Did you successfully arrest your chemical dependence upon nicotine by quitting cold turkey? Have you remained 100% nicotine-free for at least one year? If so, send and share your victory message.

Nine years...no nicotine no puffs...no looking back...no regrets... I feel so much better...even after smoking for forty four years I am free and feeling healthy.
Leon Janson
I am celebrating today, 11 years free of smoking! Found out I was pregnant with my oldest boy 11 years ago today and never picked up a cigarette since... you cannot fail if you never have another one. Whether it is day one or day 1000, I wish you all love and success x
Elin Clements
My 1st grandchild was born in 2006. I have an addictive personality I had tried and failed to quit smoking, I tried the patches and could instantly taste the nicotine. I didn’t like it. But I did not want my Grandbaby, this beautiful new person to smell grandma. I found WhyQuit and read everything. I devoured the education and found out it was NOT a habit but an addiction.
I quit cold turkey with the support of the then forum. That was 2006 it’s now 2024, my 1st grandchild is heading for 18 years old AND has never seen her grandma smoke. I actually do not even think of it anymore. Peace with education does come. No longer a slave to this addiction……NTAP, you can do this 💛
Suzie Ryan
10 years nicotine free. NTAP, ODAAT, 1=ALL.
Chima Ezekwem
Today marks 20 years! NTAP!!
John Achrazoglou
20 years ago I quit at 11:45pm!
However, the price for smoking for over 32 years, I have a mild case of copd and have asthma and am on 2 types of inhalers. At times I have laborious breathing and am scheduled to see a cardiologist in May.
I had an ischemic stroke in my left eye last September and had the whole 9 yards done with EKG, MRI (the ischemic was discovered), cat scan, sonograms and chest x-rays of my lungs which were in great condition.
Had I continued to smoke, I'd be dead!
I am taking one day at a time and thanking God for that. I am working on my diabetes and this outrageous weight I gained so to prolong the quality of my life. As long as I am "upright" and "breathing" ... all is good!
I wanted to share with you my victory!
God bless you always!
Wow, 10 years today Ii turned my life around. Don't think aboat it ever now. Best thing I've ever done. Roll on the next 10 years. Thankful for this group. Would not have do it otherwise.
Carol Lane
Good afternoon my WhyQuit Family. I just wanted to take a few minutes to check in with the greatest group of quitters that I could have the honor of associating with. I am very happy and overjoyed to be able to share today with all of you .. my Quit Brothers & Sisters. Today marks 20 Years since I kicked Nicotine to the curb.
While I had quit smoking thousands of time before, this group provided me with the education, support, and confidence that I could do this. I made the commitment to myself to Never Take Another Puff and I drew my line in the sand. I stood my ground and no matter how hard or stressed I got, I made the choice to stand fast and not give in like I had done so often in the past. It was probably one of the hardest things that I have ever done, but no mater how hard it got, it was always as easy as making the choice to not smoke. Mind you ... that was no simple task some days, but when you put it into perspective, it really is as easy as making the choice to not give up.
I can't even begin to express just how much all of my quit brothers & sisters mean to me. While my smoke free life keeps me spinning in multiple directions, I will never forget any of you that walked this path by my side. I love each & every one of you. Thank you for being a part of my life then and still to this day.
Jason .. aka Gold Wolf
20 years nicotine free and still counting!
1 year!!!!! NTAP
Gustavo De Freitas
March 12. 2015 I quit smoking and have never taken another puff. Thank you to this group and for the knoweledge through Joel’s videos that made it easier to succeed. All i had to do was one thing….NTAP!
Cindy Cindy
10 years free today. Very grateful.
Jill Roz
I was a 20+ yrs smoker who quit with help from this site in December 2005.
Never Take Another Puff!
Rick Vicedo
Not one puff for one year!! I almost can't believe it and am so dang proud of myself.
I smoked from age 14 to 33, only stopping for having babies [twice 14 and 12 years ago]. After losing 100lbs from Oct 2021 to Nov 2022, I finally decided if I have the willpower that can lose 100lbs that I can quit smoking. I had a conversation with myself and told myself that if I truly loved myself, I wouldn't slowly poison myself every day. So I decided to quit the following Monday, and never looked back.
I think I was successful for the first time because I was quitting for myself for the first time. I always tried to quit for the sake of others before, and I was unsuccessful and miserable for the entire time; every single cigarette tempting me and every craving haunting me. This time I barely had cravings for the first month, and then they just stopped. Now, I don't even think about cigarettes!!
I hope something was helpful for someone out there. I couldn't be more proud and even betrer- my children are tremendously proud too!! God bless y'all and best of luck to you in your quit! You got this!!
Sara Danker
9 years since I quit, and the best thing is knowing that you will never get caught for hours in a place where you cannot smoke. It's so worth it.
Karen Ward
Today is 8 years of freedom for me!!! If I can do it, so can you!!! I have found the health benefits are something to celebrate, let alone the feeling of freedom and knowing I don't ever have to live like the picture shows. I was literally a slave to sickarettes.
Katie Bowcutt Neslund
Somewhere in the annals of this Facebook page, precisely 10 years ago today, a fledgling turkey spread her wings and she didn’t look back. Thank you for being with me every step of the way. I guess I’m a platinum turkey now.
Jayne Eisan
So proud, I quit smoking one year ago today.
Living my best life!
Debbie Koopman
My biggest fear and hardest part was starting the quit. I many times told myself “I can’t “ ….. Well, finally I got over the fear (the only thing that was holding me back) and did it. I smoked 2 packs a day,every day, no matter what. I was a smoker for 34 years. I’m going on 13 years clean of smoking 02/14/2011. Don’t give up!!!!
Terre Mccann
As of this coming March 10th, it will be 15 years since I quit smoking. Back then I found the whyquit.com website, and it gave me the real information and guidance I needed to succeed. I was 52 when I quit, am 67 now and still kickin'. I smoked for 32 years.
I can honestly say had I not found the website and the info on how to get through each day and what to expect I wouldn't be sitting here now. I didn't know this forum existed till today and I just wanted to come say thank you to whyquit.com for saving my life.
Deb Archbold
5 years ago this evening I made the decision to NTAP. The best thing I ever did was to join Turkeyville. Thank you for the support. If I can do it you can do it. one day at a time.
Alice Hiltz Jennings
It has been a rewarding 20-years smokfree journey. My work life, health and monetory position improved substantially.
I used the WHYQUIT internet site and became de addict of necotine on December 31 2003. Many thanks for support and good work done by you to enlighten life for millions.
Deepak Kulkarni
17 Years ago I found WhyQuit.com. I studied all the articles, got motivated and then one morning whiole walking into work I threw away the cigarettes I had, matches and lighter into a trash can outside of the building and never looked back.
WhyQuit was a huge part of my quitting and I commend them for all the support they provide thousands of people. For those just beginning their quit journey, take it a day at a time and best wishes to you all.
Thank you to WhyQuit.com!
Don Chapman
3 Years of freedom. Never to relapse again so long as I NTAP along with my fellow turkies! Many thanks!
Cathy Bibeau
10 years ago today. Not a ‘dirty little habit’ as the saying goes. Without WhyQuit.com I would not have learned that I was, in fact, an addict and my drug was nicotine. Never Take Another Puff. Thank you Joel, John, Sallie and Joy for saving my life. And all the Turkeys who inspired along the way. I watched every video at least twice. And read the sad stories of the beautiful people with kids and families who lost their lives to the addiction. I have love and respect for these strangers who changed my life. I found whyquit a week or so into my quit. The ‘pain’ of withdrawal subsided as I committed to Never Take Another Puff.
Eileen Grady Schweinitzer
Well well, I actually forgot my "decade" anniversary. As a newbie, back in the day, it's actually difficult to phathom a time way into the distant future, when you can celebrate any anniversary, nevermind a 10 year anniversary. Goes to show how much better it's becoming with time passing by.
Thinking of all my turkey friends who walked the walk at the time. Well, I'm feeling great about being able to breathe 😊. To all the newbies who just started their quit, it's really so doable. Still @ ODAAT.
Manie Groenewald
Today I celebrate being one year smoke free!!!! I am so proud and totally amazed this day is here!!!!!
Kim Glick
January 4, 2004 - Today is my 20 year anniversary of celebrating true freedom! After many failed attempts I was finally able to quit smoking, with the help from WhyQuit.com. The first three months are still a blur to me, but with time and some key scriptures I had memorized to help during my struggles, I was finally free! Never thought I could break this 25 year habit, but I DID!!! NTAP 🎉
Patti McFeely
22 years smoke-free started right here on Jan 5, 2002. 🎉
Bob Cunningham
Fifteen years a non smoker now. Thanks to the Lord & John & Joel. Cold Turkey did it for me....the BEST way for sure. [If I can do it after five plus decades then ANYONE can!!]
Richard Neville
Last night at 9:00 marked 5 years I still can’t believe I’m doing it THANK YOU
Rob Terry
10th Anniversary!
I just wanted to say thank you to this group of supportive smart turkeys and the amazing admins for supplying me with all the tools that I needed that work❤ If you haven’t checked out Joel’s Library you’re missing out, everything is right there… “knowledge is power”!
Happy New Year everyone! NTAP…. ODAAT
Joann Campanaro Rudzinski
Today is a year. Quitting was the beginning of many major health improvements. I certainly used this group [Turkeyville] in the beginning to stay on track. Thanks and happy new year!
Rene Frederick
1 year no nicotine hard at times but very doable just Never Take Another Puff no matter what. Thank you Joy, Sallie & Joel for this group and all the free information. There is a video article here to answer any questions you got about how to stop smoking and stay stopped Also spent many a times on my knee asking for divine help and God came through in times of need.
Christine Clark
10 Years Gold!
Today marks 10 years nicotine free. Thank you for the why quit website that made me successful.
Bud Laramore
Today is Gold x10 years no smoking! Cold turkey was the only way for my lasting quit! Initially, I gave myself 1 shiny sticker star for each day smoke-free, then just 1 for each month, and later into my quit just 1 star for each year. I’m celebrating today with 10 deep breaths! Watching Joel’s videos and support from this group were so very helpful in the early days of my cold turkey quit. Thank you!! Quitting was one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself! NTAP!
Cindy Ellen
Good morning all! Been a while since I posted on here [Turkeyville]! Almost up to 11 years since I first went cold turkey! That has flown by. I never thought I could do it! Best thing I ever did. NTAP
Emily Bailey
At 10:00pm on Christmas Day 2017 I quit smoking cold turkey after 40+ years. It’s truly remarkable & I wish everyone was as happy & proud as I am. 6 years of NTAP. It’s life-changing!!!
Marilyn Collins
Good day from Johannesburg, South Africa. On 11 December 2006 I went cold turkey. 17 years later, still delighted with the successful quit.
I know you always say "we don't take the credit" but the WhyQuit e-book and Nicotine Addiction 101 were the tools that worked after everything else failed.
Thanks again, and keep up the good work. I send people to the WhyQuit and Nicotine Addiction 101 sites at every opportunity.
Best regards
Stan Luntz
It’s been 1 year and 4 months since my last smoke. I smoked for 25 years and I can honestly say, I hardly ever think about cigarettes…except for when I smell someone else smoking and then I think how grateful I am that I don’t have to do that anymore. If today is hard, keep going. Push through, it will get easier, I promise.
Never thought I could actually do the cold turkey quit, but here I am today, 2 years later.Thanks to this wealth of information and all the help and support anyone could ever hope for in this forum [Turkeyville]. I am forever grateful. To the newcomers my advice is to stick around,watch the videos and remember to NTAP ODAAT. ALSO Thank-you everyone for the Congrats!
Yesterday, November 13, I achieved 5 full years of freedom from nicotine. Thank you to this website and whyquit.com for helping me on my journey. I can do it. So can you. One day at a time. 😊
Colleen Ross
I wanted to thank you for putting your website together. I found WhyQuit six'ish years ago, and I'll be smoke free for four years in February (it took a lot of trying and failing, but I got there!) The amount of knowledge and support you've compiled is astounding, and it made my quit possible. I had been trying NRT for years - soon after I started smoking - and I think it wound up just burying me deeper into the nicotine addiction. So again, thank you! Best,
PS - I couldn't find an email for Joel Spitzer, and I understand he has retired; if you keep in contact with him, and feel inclined, would you pass along my special thanks to him as well? His videos were instrumental to my quit ("never take another puff" is firmly burnt into my brain). I direct people to Joel's library whenever I hear they want to quit. Truly the two of you have built a legacy; thank you so much.
ONE YEAR TODAY since I quit smoking! I can't believe how fast it has gone, not going to lie there are still days that are very hard BUT I promised myself no matter what I will NEVER take another puff and that gets me through those tough days! So I am very proud to celebrate my one year anniversary today! 🙂
Diane DeMille
1 year and almost 9 months quit. I rarely think about cigarettes and i don’t miss them a bit. Everyday I am grateful for having been able to quit. Every now and then I still feel sorry for not having quit earlier.
Quitting (after overcoming day 1 which was very difficult to accomplish as everyday was day 1 and a couple of hours later I was smoking and sabotaging my plan) was so easy! So stupid easy! It’s just about determination and deciding it’s over. Every new day I was so proud because it was 1 more day without cigarettes. I was so happy and proud. It kept me going.Now I am still happy and proud 😀
Unfortunately in a week I will undergo a column surgery. I am not eager about that but while doing exams pre-surgery I just thought ‘thank God I quit already for a ‘long’ time ago’. Having this surgery while being a smoker would be even worse. Besides I don’t even know how I would manage to smoke because the first weeks I won’t be walking around the house like a ‘butterfly’ and I never smoked in my room.
For those who are still smoking give yourself a try. Quitting is easy and so rewarding! Don’t wait 40 years like I did!
Hi John. A few days ago, I had a realization in the shower… at 18 years, my quit is now old enough to buy its own smokes. 🤣 But it never will, of course. I’m so grateful to you and Joel for teaching me the simple truth: that there’s no such thing as “just one”. For me, the only options are “20 a day, every day” or none. So I keep choosing none whenever the thought briefly flutters through my mind.
I still drop by the site every now and then to “refill” my personal commitment and remind myself of what I’ll go through if I ever try to bend the law of addiction. I hadn’t realized that Joel is now retired, I hope he’s doing well and enjoying life as he so truly deserves. And I’m so glad that you’re still continuing with this work. I genuinely can’t fathom how many people you’ve helped, I just know that I’m one of them.
I imagine you receive many emails, so there’s no need to reply. I just wanted to say thanks and send some love. 💖 What you do matters so much.
Happy ONE YEAR anniversary of no longer being a slave to that nasty cancer stick!! Go ME!! Best decision I ever made!! Cold Turkey 🦃 💪
I ALSO DID THIS WHILE MY HUSBAND CONTINUED TO SMOKE and he was not nice about it!! He smoked right in front of me, in the car…… 😡
Never, ever take another puff!!❤
Today is my two year anniversary of freedom from nicotine!!! Joel's videos, articles and this group [Turkeyville] saved my sanity for the first three days. I'm thankful I'm free and breathing better.
Stephanie Hensley
Hi everyone. Today is my first full year of freedom from the chains of nicotine addiction. I’m so very grateful for the support of this group and for all the accompanying articles & video posts. I am now better educated than ever regarding the truth of addiction and I promise to remember the golden rule of living life as an ex-smoker: Never Take Another Puff!!
I wish to celebrate my first cold-turkey gold award by NOT ingesting nicotine with you all today.
To the newly quit people reading this and all the veterans alike: Please stay alert to the pitfalls of nicotine addiction, keep your guard up and protect your quit at all costs! Thanks. 😌
Thank you for all the support and Joel's videos and the WhyQuit.com site helped so much!!! After a 40 plus year addiction I quit cold turkey and am celebrating 1 year today 😁 It wasn't easy but I feel so good to finally have my life and health back that it is so worthwhile.
Not One Puff Ever and stay strong 💪
Steve Gerth
3 Years Baby! NOT 1! NOT 2! BUT 3 Years today! Can you dig that sucka?!? I ran to my wife and said Happy 3 Year Anniversary! Although we have been married for over 24 years!, she knew what I meant! I quit a thousand times. I was the poster child of relapse. But no more Baby! I am a full bred quitter! Woo! Is break dancing still cool?!? I feel like some epic break dancing is in order!!!
Brian Searcy
Thanks for all the support I receive from this group (Turkeyville). I'm 1 month shy of turning 60. Have smoked since I was 15. It was easy to get them back in the day. This 1 year quit is the best birthday gift I can give myself. I loath cigarettes. I hate what they have done to me. How they controlled my life. Never again. NTAP. 🙂🙂🙂
Christine Kline
I wanted to say thank you today because I quit smoking cold turkey 20 years ago today using WhyQuit.com and the Freedom board. I was a hardcore smoker from my teen years until my mid 40s when I quit. Tried dozens of times and all the different non-cold-turkey methods to quit, but then found WhyQuit and the information Joel gave, plus the Freedom board, made it possible.
I spend ZERO seconds a day missing nicotine. That has been true since roughly 2 weeks after my quit day. I am so grateful to whyquit.com, Joel, the Freedom board.
Kim Dunworth
I remember it well. And I think that’s why it’s so easy to stay quit. I remember the coughing every morning (and throughout the day), I remember having to smoke outside in the rain, cold, snow, etc. I remember the weekly trips to the store to spend a ton of money on something that smelled and tasted terrible. I remember overflowing ash trays, smoke in my eyes, and burning myself on more than one occasion. I remember my dad laying in bed gasping for air because he smoked, too. I remember how much pain he was in. How gray he was. How thin he was. How he couldn’t walk because the blood flow to his feet was so diminished that he got gangrene on his foot. I remember how he cried for help. I remember crying with him. I remember crying the night he passed and the loud hum of his oxygen machine. I remember taking the oxygen hose off of him. I remember fighting to quit smoking after his death. And 6 years after he passed, I remember quitting smoking cold turkey. I remember putting out that last cigarette. I remember being scared because I really didn’t believe I could do it, but I knew I had to try. I remember the days after quitting. I remember crying, screaming, and letting out what felt like YEARS of pain. And I remember NOT smoking.
That was 4 years, 4 months, and 14 days ago. I have gone through everything imaginable and so much stress since I quit smoking. I smoked for 30 years, 2 packs a day. I quit while 2 people in my house continued to smoke (and still do), and through it all I kept all nicotine on the outside. I am not special. I don’t have all the answers. I am no different than you, reading this. I made a decision to quit, and did it. To all the newbies- keep coming here and read. Watch the videos. Post when you need help, or even when you don’t. This Facebook page is how I quit smoking, along with my personal commitment to never take another puff. If I can do it, I promise- you can!
Kate Daggett
Hi everyone absolutely grateful for the fact that today I'm 2 years smoke free. This site has been of enormous help especially in early days of my quit,it taught me:
- In order to keep my quit I simply should never take another puff. N.T.A.P.
- There is no legitimate justification for a relapse
- One puff is too many and a thousand is not enough.....How many times in a day do I feel the urge to smoke? NEVER!!
Infact it has been many months since I had what can be qualified as an urge to smoke,and,it was just a momentary, passing thought. That doesn't mean I'm complacent, on the contrary is still do watch Joel's video, read the free ebooks and I still have the list of why I quit. I also visit this site regularly.
This is the best life ever, at least health wise, I'm 43 years old but feel a decade younger. To the newbies I'd like to encourage you that it's doable and it does get easier. O.D.A.A.T.
Allan Chege
9 years ago today I left smoking behind. I was the ‘never gonna quit girl’. I was (and still am) an addict. But I don’t smoke anymore. It was hard at first….darn hard. But as many of us know now upon reflection, surprising doable. Couldn’t have done it without the education about the terrible addiction that I had wrongfully thought of as ‘a nasty little habit’. Far from it. It destroys lives, takes away futures, and wreaks havoc on bodies and minds.
Thank-you WhyQuit for lighting the path to FREEDOM and for keeping the lights on. You couldn’t pay me to smoke. And even though I still get an occasional thought, an urge or a reminder all I do in that one moment is respect the power of the remnants of a nicotine addiction…..and let it pass, unfulfilled. Anyone can do it. Congratulations to the one-day person who has decided to quit and to the fifty-year people who make the same choice. The most important lesson I learned was it doesn’t take multiple attempts to quit. That thinking is a nicotine lie, too. There are many lies.
Happiness, Freedom, Healthy Life, Clean breath deeply filling the lungs is the truth. And it’s a choice we make everyday. Happy Dance.
Eileen Grady Schweinitzer
One year!!! I waited years, even decades to get here. But once I put my mind to it, it seems to have arrived quicker than I possibly imagined. I am a healthier person now and I have gained so much free time that cigarettes were taking away from me - I have been using it to self-benefit - walking, doing exercise, resting, reading…
My life changed during this year and I feel a different person now. Quitting brought me much more than I expected and I am really grateful for that. After 40 years smoking the last ones 2 packs a day, it seemed an impossible task and I didn’t believe I could do it. But here I am. Proud and happy!
Teresa Henriques
Hi everyone, I'm Allan from Kenya and I consider myself a member of this group though I have never posted anything. I've been a lurker for about 1year 9 months. Here's my story. I quit cold turkey on 4th February 2021. I had been experiencing some chest pain and I knew the cigarettes to be culprits. I was smoking more than a pack per day -- i.e more than 20 sticks per day and they were causing hell in my life.
Since I quit I have saved tons of money, my health is top notch, and I sleep like a baby., Socially, I'm comfortable in all settings. I feel clean and smell great. My self confidence is miles high. Thanks to Joel's videos, Joy Verdi Kaufman posts,John Polito and all the cold turkeys. My biggest take and Mantra ... N.T.A.P.
Allan Chege
I took a puff! I am in awe. Like any other smoker I didn’t think I could do it. I am really proud of myself and am so happy I didn’t give up trying. The only way to do it is one day at a time. All you newbies hang in there! I promise you can do it and you will reach a point where you stop thinking about it or wanting to and you are truly free! When I do think about it, I am just overcome with gratitude for my freedom!!  I am no longer chained! Turkeyville has been so instrumental in providing education and support - thank you! I will not smoke with you all today! NTAAP and ODAAT - Believe in yourself! You can do it!!!
Rogan Stephanie
1 year today!!!!!! I am so darn proud of myself!! Thank you to everyone in the group,and especially all the useful information on Whyquit.com. It was my source of resilience in the first 2 months of quitting. NTAP
Lorrimer De Sani
I am just a few hours away from celebrating 1 year nicotine free!!! I went a little over a year in 2017 and decided that I just wanted to smoke one. Actually half of one was all it took to get me hooked again until almost a year ago. I say this because I want to remind myself that no matter how much time there is between me and my last cigarette, there is no “just one” without taking the risk of smoking 1000’s. So I celebrate finally being smarter than the cigarettes.
Tammie Newberry Lyons-Hedge
There it is. One whole year of freedom! I feel like I've been given a second chance at life and am so grateful for it! To my fellow cold turkey quitters and those that are yet to be, best of luck to each and every one of you!
Marija Rados
June 21, today marks 1 year for me. I initially quit in 2001, but thought a cigarette would reduce my job stress and started again in 2012. Sadly it did not reduce my stress, in fact all I thought about was having to quit again. Just over a year ago everything changed, I found Joel’s videos and this group. I thought I can do this and made the decision. I have not looked back, there have been difficult moments but I would come here for support and it worked. Someone here in Turkeyville posted one day that they never want to be where they were the moment before they quit. I’ll never forget it and agree 100%. So happy I made the decision to never take another puff. Mostly though, thanks to everyone here, for all your support. Turkey on…
Marci Rigdon
Like you, I never thought I could do this. I’d tried patches/vapes/nicotine gum in the past and nothing worked. So the only thing left for me to try was zero nicotine. None. Nada. Zilch.
It wasn’t easy. But the harder it got the more determined I was, because I KNEW it was possible. Others did it, so why not me too? I went from 3 packs a day for at least 40 years to zero. I imagined the bad cravings as a nasty little monkey sitting on my shoulder, tapping me on my head. And I mentally pushed him off my shoulder and I swore at him (in my head of course haha)
And here I am. Over a year nicotine free and I am free of the slavery. And it is just so wonderful. You CAN do this. It is a battle.Take it hour by hour at first. Then week by week. Be really kind to yourself - and don’t forget you are doing something INCREDIBLE. YOU CAN.
Tana Deen
I made it! 1 Year quit today, 37 years of life wasted but the rest of my life to look forward to. I would absolutely never have achieved this especially in the early days without the help of the group. Joel’s videos were invaluable in first 3 days and up to 1st month. I seriously can’t believe it. One happy one year turkey Scotsman. Im grateful to every one of you.
Tam Ferguson
It's been three years today since I had my last cigarette at 1:30 in the afternoon. I'd smoked for 52 years; a pack a day for most of those years. I'm 70 now. I was 67 when I went cold turkey. I had tried to quit before by "tapering off" and it never worked. But cold turkey, Joel's videos, and the support of folks on this site helped me through to achieve my 3 year victory today. I'm here to tell you that you are never too old to quit. You can do this! Never take another puff and I will not smoke with you today. Turkey on! God bless you on your journey to freedom.
Elizabeth Martin
I did it!! 1 year!!!! I am so proud of myself!! For anyone out there that thinks they can’t, you most certainly CAN!! NTAP!!
Debbie Hicks
Three years cold turkey today! I smoked two packs a day for over 35 years and finally found success with the support and information I found here. A few things I learned in this group that helped me succeed: Relax. Take deep breaths. Focus on one day at a time. Stay strong, stay focused and stay here for support. NTAP
Jim Romango
Two years today. Proud of myself. I have quit so many times and what stuck was knowing I could never puff ever again and that anything I did smoking I could do not smoking. Anyone can do this, I promise you. My husband will hit 3 years in 2 days. I never thought he would and that was hard for me. It always gave me an excuse to come back to them. Life is so much better without them.
Kristin Clancy
Today is the anniversary of my quit. Three years ago I finally stopped the gum/patch/cigarette dance of addiction I'd been dancing for far too many years. This group helped me realize that cold turkey is the answer. Quitting is the hardest and the best thing I've ever done for myself. The first few weeks had me using every tool available to walk through all the feelings that were coming up and not stuffing them behind a smoke screen. As a result, I've finally dealt with a lot of my longstanding issues and am a far happier and healthier person now. If you're struggling, hang in there. It is so worth it!!!
Today marks five years. I am very grateful for Turkeyville and the support that I’ve received over the years. It’s also very true that most of the people in my life still use nicotine and really couldn’t care less about this milestone. For those just starting out, it does get easier.
Michael Hanson
Today I celebrate my 4th year being nicotine free. Advice to those starting out would be focus on the moment, count on yourself not others to encourage your quit, and use your resources here. Become comfortable being uncomfortable knowing it will not last forever but most importantly NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF. minutes WILL turn into hours which will turn into days which will turn into weeks which will turn into years. This isn't about "good luck" it is about addiction recovery.
Elle Sampson
1 Year Smoke Free
I am so proud of myself and of everyone that is living their life without this drug. If I can do it, everyone can.
Mădălina Aurelia Horj
Today marks 1 year as a non smoker!!! I am so proud of myself!
Natalie DeBiasio-North
365 days quit
Holly Lautwein
Today is my one year anniversary! I quit the day I had a heart attack and died at the age of 51. After eight minutes of CPR my heart was restarted. I was given a second chance and I haven’t smoked since. If you’ve made it this far, whether that’s an hour or day or year, stick with it. You never know if you’ll be lucky enough to get a second chance too.
Leah Bruce
My first anniversary of the best discussion I ever made once I realized that if I will wait until I am “ready” then I will be waiting forever. The best way to quit smoking is to JUST DO IT, someday is NOW and then it’s done.
Mohamad Garzedin
Good Afternoon NTAP Fam: Today marks 2 years & 10 months - SMOKE FREE. Loss 2 parents within 8 month time span - I stayed strong & DID NOT SMOKE. Good luck to everyone, you can do it.
Kymberly K Booth
Celebrating 2 Years Smoke free.
Being a smoker for 47 years & 2 packs a day, I did it! YaY to Me! I couldn't have done it alone. Thank you all, specially Joel, Turkeyville's Admin & members old and new. If I did it, done it, everyone can & should stop! NTAP
Sylva Choueiri
One year today... cannot believe it.
I'm very stubborn in protecting my quit. Have no intention of wasting one year. This is my first and will be my last quit.
Mona Abdelaziz
Waking up today on 1 year and day 2 Nicotine Free Wowza!
I Never ever thought I would be smoke free in this lifetime. I quit so many times unsuccessfully that I was loosing hope. Every time I failed, I did something different the next time I tried. Smoking aids made things worse and in fact, if I failed to quit smoking cigarettes I would end up smoking more, after I stopped using the nicotine replacements. It was as if the smoking aids/replacements were giving me more nicotine than I should have gotten. Its only a theory I have.
I even went through the health unit several times, using their books, appts, online help, Quit smoking hotlines, cut back my smoking so many times, and so much more without complete success. I seen how smoking aids help so many other people and thought, because it wasnt working for me that maybe I was hopless, helpless, and would forever remain addicted. I now know abstinence is key to ANY addiction.
I was told about Turkeyville and remembered, my longest quit I ever had was quitting cold turkey. Abstinence works better hands down. In 30 years my longest quit before now was 4 months when I quit cold turkey. Since I chose this path again, Now I am over a year Smoke Free! This is more than an accomplishment.
I always told my boys and others, that if I ever quit smoking for good it will be a miracle! I had to Work for it, Pray for it, Watched Joel Spitzer’s Videos, Learned meditation, and became a member of Turkeyville. Most of all Self Talk and imagined myself a non smoker. NTAP "never take another puff" became my motto. I was angry, frustrated and absolutely tired of quitting!
My son Anthony at age 26 passed away June 2020 of an addiction/overdose. My youngest son Julien and I both spoke about quitting cigarettes/nicotine to honour him. I was determined that this time would be successful. I was absolutely tired of quitting and failing. Julien quit smoking two months prior to me and with my struggle to quit it was making his sobriety from nicotine difficult. I had to make the choice to just STOP and QUIT. No more setting a date, no more “planning” to quit, no more cutting back the amount I smoke in a day, no more smoking outside, no more excuses, just QUIT. Never take another puff had been a reminder that all I have to do is not smoke. Nicotine is a drug and I began treating it as such.
When my mind told me that it was a stress reliever, I snapped back and said, “that is a lie”. Smoking creates more anxiety. When my mind told me that I needed a cigarette to relax, I snapped back and said, “that is a lie”, toxins will not help me relax, breathing and meditation will. Even this week my mind told me that if I started smoking again I would loose weight, I snapped back and said, “exercise, eating less and healthier will help me loose weight” "NTAP!" Never taking another puff again!
I hope and pray that I now forever remain nicotine free. Learning to love myself, knowing I deserve better and I am worthy of great things, this is the best and greatest gift I can give myself!
Quit date October 21, 2020. Im so proud of myself! . Now I feel that if I can quit smoking what else can I accomplish? Such a great confidence booster!
I send Encouragement, Compassion, and so much Love to anyone who needs it, for if this crazy, emotional, trauma and grief filled human can quit, I have faith in you, that you can NTAP too! Never Take Another Puff With Me!
Much Love,
Today is my seven year anniversary since I quit smoking cigarettes. I committed to never taking another puff again and it's been (7) seven years since I bought my last pack of cigarettes. I smoked a pack a day for 23 years. Quitting cigarettes was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am so happy! No seven year itch here!
Altoria Gaylord
Wanted to share, yesterday October 3 marked one year since I decided to NTAP. This is said a lot but if I can do it you can do it too! Major thanks to Joel, WhyQuit and all the Turkeyville administrators for putting all that info out for free. I just had to make the commitment. It’s worth it !
Chris Miller

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