Why Share WhyQuit's Link?
Statistically, roughly half of all new quitters visiting your web site will be cold turkey quitters. Unfortunately, instead of offering them encouragement and support, nearly all websites -- both government and commerical -- will advise them to purchase and use replacement nicotine products, e-cigarettes, or risky medications such as Chantix or Champix which, like nicotine, stimulate dopamine pathways.
Other than WhyQuit, they will not be told the truth, that more smokers arrest their chemical dependence upon nicotine by going cold turkey than by all other methods combined (see page 15 of 2020 U.S. Surgeon General's Report). Nor will they learn that, under real-word conditions, cold turkey has proven more effective than replacement nicotine.
WhyQuit is dedicated to helping them become smarter and wiser than nicotine's grip upon their mind and life. It does so via scores of high quality motivation pages, by providing a science-based education, by counseling (both by video and via moderated support), and by highly focused and deadly serious support at Turkeyville, home to more than 13,000 cold turkey quitters.
WhyQuit is 100 percent commerical-free. Staffed entirely by volunteers, it sells nothing and openly declines all offers of donations. We'd be honored if your website allowed one-click access to a resource devoted exclusively to the cold turkey quitter's unique nicotine dependency recovery needs.
How? You can also copy and then paste the image into any social media post.Simply press Control + U to reveal this page's HTML code. Then, locate and copy the code for the image you'd like to share and then paste it into your webpage. Our sincere thanks for considering sharing our link!
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