What's New
January 2025
Jan. 9, 2025 Surge in ER visits among nicotine pouch users raises concerns
April 2024
March 2024
Mar. 25, 24 Considering using Zyn, check out this group
Mar. 23, 2024 Have you heard of Zyn?
Mar. 23, 2024 Ok, so you heard of Zyn, now what?
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
Dec. 17, 2023 Do you see yourself simply as a smoker?
Dec. 10, 2023 Falling back into the abyss of nicotine addiction
November 2023
Nov. 01, 2023 Is Truth Initiative truthful about how smokers quit?
October 2023
Oct. 03, 2023 "Last line of defense (or trump card)" by OBob
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
May 7, 2023 Poll: How do most stop vaping support group members succeed in quitting?
May 5, 2023 Cold turkey still America’s pregnancy quit smoking champ
April 2023
March 2023
March 14, 2023 Brains of 20-year ex-smokers primed for smoking relapse
February 2023
December 2022
November 2022
September 2022
September 13, 2022 Is Biden “Cancer Moonshot” already lost in space?
September 07, 2022 National Cancer Institute quit smoking advice promotes cancer
August 2022
August 7, 2022 More real-world evidence that NRT doesn't work
July 2022
July 25, 2022 How do most smokers quit?
July 15, 2022 Review: "Quit smoking weapons of mass distraction"
June 2022
June 3, 2022 Nearly all pregnant smokers still smoking in e-cig vs. patch study
May 2022
May 26, 2022 How to lose weight while quitting smoking or vaping
April 2022
April 30, 2022 Becoming an ex-smoker
April 23, 2022 Caring for our recovery
April 17, 2022 I want "something"
April 16, 2022 "I used to be like that"
April 15, 2022 "I have smoked more than 40 years, quitting now is impossible!"
April 13, 2022 "I guess I am doing ok, I just smoked one yesterday"
April 11, 2022 I choose life
April 10, 2022 How do you handle being with smokers?
April 08, 2022 Hermit quitting vs happy quitting
April 07, 2022 Freedom: your journey to comfort
March 2022
March 21, 2022 The cost of my first relapse
March 19, 2022 Introducing my new friend Comfort
March 18, 2022 Come to where the knowledge is!
February 2022
January 2022
January 08, 2022 Salvaging your resolution to stop smoking or vaping
January 01, 2022 How did most ex-smokers quit smoking?
December 2021
Originally released in 2003, the 3rd edition of NTAP includes 30 additional articles, most associated with navigating the first two weeks. NTAP is available in five different formats:
December 3, 2021 Vaping e-cigs may double risk of erectile dysfunction
November 2021
November 16, 2021 WHO reports 1.3 billion worldwide tobacco users
November 12, 2021 No magic here by Dave (Gold)
November 11, 2021 Google search algorithms feature health misinformation
August 2021
July 2021
July 20, 2021 How smokers quit in a lower-middle-income country
July 3, 2021 Suicide deaths twice as high among smokers
May 2021
May 9, 2021 Smart Turkey: The nicotine dependency recovery guide. A second free ebook by John R. Polito is added to WhyQuit's collection.
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021
January 25, 2021 Romancing the drug, recognizing the junkie by Erica (Gold)
January 25, 2021 Recognizing needs by OBob (Gold)
January 25, 2021 Recognizing needs: appendix by Erica (Gold)
January 25, 2021 Reading and growth by Roger (Gold)
January 25, 2021 Baby steps by John (Gold)
January 25, 2021 Patience by Roger (Gold)
January 25, 2021 A journey beyond comfort by Roger (Gold)
January 25, 2021 "I don't want to die" - The bottom line? Joanne (Gold)
January 18, 2021 Cold turkey prevails over counseling plus pharmacotherapy by John R. Polito
January 16, 2021 The one puff files by OBob (Gold)
January 15, 2021 Turning the corner ... acceptance by OBob (Gold)
January 15, 2021 If you're "giving up" smoking by Eric (Gold)
January 14, 2021 3 years vs. 3 days by OBob (Gold)
December 2020
December 22, 2020 "He wanted you to know" follow-ups
December 21, 2020 Eating Healthy - Blood Sugar
December 4, 2020 OhioMagazine now selling cigarettes by John R. Polito
November 2020
November 23, 2020 Days I just wanted to die Melissa
November 22, 2020 Yes you can ... a message from Lorraine Lorraine
November 4, 2020 Should I really avoid smoking triggers now that I've quit? by Joel Spitzer
October 2020
October 19, 2020 How testimonials regarding quitting can help others to quit by Joel Spitzer
October 13, 2020 Does hypnosis really generate some of the best success rates? by Joel Spitzer
October 9, 2020 63 of Joel's original articles are now available in Persian (Farsi) by Nima Daghighi
October 2, 2020 Are sunflower seeds or toothpicks a good substitute when quitting? by Joel Spitzer
October 2, 2020 Quitting cold turkey during Stoptober by John R. Polito
October 1, 2020 Quitting cold turkey during Stoptober by Joel Spitzer
September 2020
September 25, 2020 My new and exciting QCT program to stop smoking by Joel Spitzer
September 25, 2020 Looking and waiting for an easy way to quit smoking by Joel Spitzer
September 24, 2020 Arabic translation of Joel's Never Take Another Puff (PDF) by Danny Youkhana
September 22, 2020 The first cigarette of the day by Joel Spitzer
September 16, 2020 How to best utilize my resources to quit smoking by Joel Spitzer
September 15, 2020 Video update of: Does smoking cause my headaches? by Joel Spitzer
September 10, 2020 The importance of the day-one playlist by Joel Spitzer
September 5, 2020 FDA quit smoking products again lose to cold turkey by John R. Polito
September 2, 2020 Why do I smoke? by Joel Spitzer
September 2, 2020 "How in the world did I actually quit smoking?" by Joel Spitzer
August 2020
August 27, 2020 Misery loves company by Joel Spitzer
August 27, 2020 All quits are not equal by Joel Spitzer
August 26, 2020 "What is the harm of smoking a few more years if I am young and healthy?" by Joel Spitzer
August 24, 2020 "What a relief, I think I have cancer!" by Joel Spitzer
August 14, 2020 Watching others quit smoking by Joel Spitzer
August 13, 2020 There IS more than one way to quit smoking by Joel Spitzer
August 11, 2020 What quit smoking support sites do I recommend? by Joel Spitzer
August 10, 2020 Chapter 14 of Freedom from Nicotine: The Journey Home, entitled Complacency & Relapse has been revised and the following individual topics are now available as HTML pages:
- Caring for your recovery
- Recovery memory suppression
- Amending the Law of Addiction
- Relapse: the perfect excuse
- Relapse: the lesson learned
- No legitimate justification for relapse
- More relapse rationalizations
- Nicotine dependency harm reduction
- Closing thoughts
- Sample recovery journal/diary
August 2, 2020 Chapter 13 of Freedom from Nicotine: The Journey Home, entitled Homecoming has been revised and individual topics have been formatted into HTML pages. The following topics are available:
July 2020
- The final truth
- Dignity's denial
- The joy of smoking
- Tearing down the wall
- Dependency rationalizations
- Cost rationalizations
- Recovery rationalizations
- Relapse rationalizations
- Conscious fixation
July 24, 2020 The use of the term "Hell Week" when quitting smoking by Joel Spitzer
July 20, 2020 Quitting smoking for a specific event or time frame by Joel Spitzer
July 10, 2020 Subconscious Recovery: Chapter 11 of Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home (John's free ebook) has been revised and formatted into the following HTML webpages. Three additional chapters need revision and formatting. Once all pages exist in HTML format the process of updating the full-text PDF and print versions, and individual PDF chapters will commence.
- The unconscious mind
- Operant conditioning
- Classical conditioning
- Common use cues
- Crave episode duration
- Crave episode frequency
- Crave episode intensity
- The bigger the better
- Extinguishing use cues
- Cue exposure therapy
- Controlling crave episode expectations
- Crave coping techniques
- Distraction crave coping
- Relaxation crave coping
- Mindfulness crave coping
- Oral crave coping
- Seasonal, holiday and infrequent use cues
June 2020
June 21, 2020 Lying breath from dying lungs by John R. Polito
June 2, 2020 "Why am I still experiencing withdrawal?" by Joel Spitzer
May 2020
May 4, 2020: An additional chapter of Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home has been revised and shared in HTML format:
Chapter 9: Physical Recovery
- Consider skipping this chapter for now
- Symptoms
- Anxiety & irritability
- Anger & impatience
- Concentration
- Sadness & depression
- Sleep & insomnia
- Hunger & appetite
- Headaches & nausea
- Breath, taste, bleeding gums and mouth ulcers
- Sore throat, coughing, quitter's flu, chest tightness
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Possible medication adjustments
- Possible underlying hidden conditions
- Celebrating two weeks of healing!
March 2020
03/18/20 Quitting smoking while being in lockdown by Joel Spitzer
03/14/20 Smoking and cabin fever by Joel Spitzer
03/09/20 Smoking and the Coronavirus by Joel Spitzer
03/02/20 Coronavirus, stocks, nicotine not! by John R. Polito
February 2020
02/05/20 2020 Surgeon General's Report on Smoking Cessation by Joel Spitzer
January 2020
01/16/20 "Why can’t I convince my loved one to quit smoking? I’ve tried everything." by John R. Polito
01/26/20 Volunteer Heidi Jäkel's German translation of: "He Wanted You to Know", the tragic story of Bryan Lee Curtis.
December 2019
Joel's new video:
12/30/19 Feeling handicapped in your ability to quit smoking
November 2019
11/19/19 Where can I get information on how to quit smoking cold turkey?
Additional Freedom posts given a permanent home at WhyQuit
11/11/19 Desperate Addict's Parade
11/13/19 Monster under the bed: by OBob (Gold)
11/13/19 Try replacing the word "cigarette" with "nicotine: by John (Gold)
11/13/19 Thinking of quitting? ... But ... by Marty (Gold)
11/13/19 Thinking vs. Wanting: by John (Gold)
11/14/19 I am an ADDICT! HooRAY! by OBob (Gold)
October 2019
10/09/19 Do you want a cigarette ... H.A.L.T.
10/08/19 What does NTAP mean?
September 2019
09/16/19 Should I take up smoking to get off of vaping?
09/08/19 Severe illness and deaths linked to vaping
August 2019
08/24/19 Is withdrawal prolonged with more addictive nicotine products?
08/21/19 Supercharging nicotine’s addictive potential
June 2019
06/03/19 Sleep disruptions and adjustments after quitting smoking
May 2019
Click image for higher resolution version
April 2019
March 2019
Joel's new video:
03/23/19 Contrary to what you may have heard – vaping is not safe
February 2019
02/13/19 “If we stopped selling cigarettes tomorrow, someone else would take our place” The duplicity of Phillip Morris International's newest catch, poison and kill a wee bit longer corporate responsibly campaign is laid bare by Australian Professor Simon Chapman.
02/09/19 STUDENT ALERT: e-cigarettes & juuling are dangerous
02/06/19 Pfizer Chantix commercial steals cold turkey: Risky, expensive and ineffective real-world quitting pill masquerades as cold turkey’s lovable mascot.
02/02/19 FDA knew stop smoking product clinical trials not science-based: Hundreds of placebo-controlled NRT, Zyban and Chantix studies not blind as claimed.
Joel's new videos:
02/14/19 Kids and vaping: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
02/09/19 Well-meaning but often meaningless advice for smokers who are quitting
02/02/19 The importance of the first three days of your quit
January 2019
01/23/19 How you can help prevent kids from vaping
01/03/19 Vaping: What you can’t see can still hurt you
December 2018
November 2018
11/19/18 How to help kids stop vaping
October 2018
10/12/18 Please hold me accountable so I can quit smoking
September 2018
July 2018
Joel's new video:
07/06/18 "Thank goodness it's only cigarette smoking"
June 2018
06/11/18 Are your odds improved next time you quit smoking?
06/11/18 Thanks to Nima we now have Persian translations of most of Joel's Reinforcement Articles:
PDF of Chapter 1: PDF of Chapter 2: PDF of Chapter 3: PDF of Chapter 4: PDF of two weight control and two youth prevention articles
May 2018
Joel's new videos:
05/22/18 "I hate smoking so much that there is no way I could ever go back"
05/12/18 "You're wasting our money on cigarettes"
05/06/18 Are additive free cigarettes less addictive?
April 2018
04/22/18 "I tried your resources once, why should I bother trying them again?"
04/21/18 Help! It's an emergency. I relapsed!
04/16/18 You have relapsed--now what?
March 2018
03/20/18 Using deep breathing as a safe and effective quitting aid
03/15/18 How long does it take to become re-addicted to nicotine?
03/05/18 Nicotine tolerance
February 2018
02/27/18 "If I go back to smoking, I'll just quit again"
02/20/18 "Why should I quit smoking, I could just get run over by a truck"
02/19/18 The smell of relapse
02/16/18 How many ways have you tried to quit smoking?
02/15/18 Possible voice improvements after quitting smoking
02/05/18 Quitting smoking should cost you nothing
02/04/18 Comparing quitting smoking experiences with others on YouTube blogs
02/03/18 A 99.9% commitment to quit smoking will fail
January 2018

01/20/18 Freedom's Law of Addiction thread: As explained immediately below, the second Freedom thread to be reformatted and receive a new WhyQuit home is The Law of Addiction.
12/25/17 Tell a newbie how many seconds a day do you still want a cigarette: This year will be devoted to salvaging and restoring as many key Freedom threads as time permits. "Tell a newbie" -- 33 pages in all -- is the first. As you may know, Freedom, WhyQuit's original support group, is no longer accepting members and is winding down. Cold turkey quitters seeking support are encouraged to visit Turkeyville, which, under Joy and Sallie's loving care now has more than 10,000 members.
Freedom's demise is a product of Facebook and Turkeyville's popularity, Freedom's new hosting company demanding substantially more money to keep the site ad free, and electronic migration from MSN to Yuku and now to Tapatalk destroying the formatting of most posts, leaving many in shambles. Restoration and rebuilding of key threads at WhyQuit will be time consuming but worth it.
Joel's January videos:
01/27/18 "Why do you even try to help THOSE people quit smoking?"
01/20/18 My YouTube outreach efforts
01/14/18 "What withdrawals should I expect when quitting smoking?"
01/08/18 AskJoel
01/06/18 "You should retitle that video"
01/05/18 Helping others see that thoughts for cigarettes do diminish over time
01/04/18 New Years 2018 YouTube channel update
01/03/18 Feeling like you are getting sick after quitting smoking
01/02/18 It's still cold outside--why this is a bigger problem for smokers than non-smokers
01/01/18 "It's cold outside, boy do I need a cigarette"
©1999-2024 WhyQuit
Page last updated 03/24/24 by John R. Polito