Tell a newbie how many seconds a day do you still want a cigarette:
Page 14
Remember the first few days? Remember worrying that the urges, wanting and craves would never end? If a cold turkey quitter, here's your chance to tell both smokers and new quitters what it's like now.
#326 | 17 Mar 2004 | Just Gie Gold
How many seconds a day? Not very many. Even then it's more like a passing thought.It gets better all the time!
I have chosen not to smoke for 2 Months 3 Days 6 Hours 11 Minutes 41 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 506. Money saved: C$202.43.
#327 | 18 Mar 2004 | LilLulu814
How many seconds a day? Well, I haven't thought about smoking a cigarette for a couple of days, it really truly does get easier. Hold on tight to your quit, no matter what life throws at you, it doesn't take a smoke to get thru a problem.I have chosen not to be a slave to nicotine for 1 Month 1 Week 6 Days 12 Hours 42 Minutes 20 Seconds. Nasty, Evil, Life-Stealing Cigarettes not smoked: 1275. Money saved: $219.45. By not giving in to the nicodemon I have extended my life by 1 Wk 1 Day 20 Hrs 38 Mins 49 Secs
#328 | 22 Mar 2004 | Canadiangirl Laura
I am still a newbie but even at 5+ days I am amazed how much less I think about having a smoke. The first two days I was one of those who thought about it every second. But just a few days later I am impressed that I can actually do something without thinking about a cigarette. Even when I do think about them it isn't in the same way. The cravings are a lot milder and easier to deal with.Laura
Free and handling for 5 days, 10 hours and 17 minutes
#329 | 22 Mar 2004 | Joanne Gold
"..... Even when I do think about them it isn't in the same way....." Thank you, Laura! That about sums it up.
#330 | 03 Apr 2004 | Roger (Gold)
I don't remember if I have posted to this thread or not. My comfort come early in my quit. Between my Double Green and Bronze milestone I was begining to relax considerably. More than anticipated. Did I have triggers and craves? Of course I did, I was a full blown addcit to the maximum entent of addicitivness. I remember the first day I realized a whole day went by and not a thought about a cigarette. I just retired for the evening and was lying in bed. A smile broke over my face as big as the Cheshire Cat. This was just before my Silver milestone.Today at over 27 months free I do not remember when my last crave was. However, I do remember when the last trigger or thought was. A fleeting moment, that appeared out of the blue and disappeared as fast or faster. I had to reach out and capture it, pause for a moment, analyze it, smile and let it go. I sent it back to the depths of my still addicted mind where it originated. It was Christmas Day, 5 days before my Gold milestone.
I was opening a Christmas gift and for some reason I had the thought of taking a break to go outside and feed. A ritual I had done for many years. I made the excuse, as I sat on the floor, my legs were cramped and I needed to stretch. Of course the only person I was fooling was myself, my wife and daughters knew the cue, it was nicotine feeding time.
Yes, I am at over 27 months and more comfortable than ever dreamed. We know each quit is different and your time frame may not follow the same path as mine. This comfort will will embrace you as well if you allow the healing to continue. Just keep doing what you are doing. Any adverse feelings or discomfort you may feel along your journey will never eclipse the comfort that will wrap its arms around you! I Be patient and never take another puff.
I cannot describe how good I feel about my life and myself now. Words alone would not do it justice.
One Day At A Time,

I have chosen not to smoke for 2 Years 3 Months 3 Days 11 Hours 55 Minutes 30 Seconds. I have not smoked : 28857. I have saved : $4,703.75 of my hard earned dollars, that still to this day is in the bank. Each payday my wife writes a check to acknowledge my quit.
#331 | 03 Apr 2004 | FearNothingDK GOLD
I posted to this on my day 17 (March 16/04). Thanks Roger for bringing this back up again as it made me realize my excellent progress. I really should be keeping a diary!On March 16/04 (my day 17) I had said on day 8 (my absolute worst day) I was fixated and thought I wanted a cigarette ALL day. I couldn't really stop feeling the urge.
But on day 17, I said maybe I wanted a cigarette about 4 times a day.
Today I am at day 35 and I can honestly say that the last actual wanting a cigarette strong urge was last Friday night just before heading into a bar to party with friends (which is of course a trigger for me). And it was over and forgotten just as quickly as it hit.
I HAVE NOT EVEN ONCE WANTED a cigarette since last Friday. Today is Day 35.
I am SO impressed with myself and in AWE!
Life is GOOD!

Sandy -

#332 | 04 Apr 2004 | GOLDisKITTYBOO
Joel, this may sound very strange but it comes deep from within my heart: I have been quit one month and 2 days (I'll check my meter) but I can HONESTLY say that there are absolutely ZERO AND I DO MEAN ZERO seconds. I know everyone's quit is different but for me when I quit......well, I QUIT and moved on. Not complacent at all......just done with the nicotine. I will forever be a Nicotine Addict I am aware but I choose whether to partake and I choose and have chosen to Never Take Another Puff!!LISA - Free and Healing for One Month, Two Days, 4 Hours and 28 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 2 Days and 5 Hours, by avoiding the use of 644 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $95.40.
#333 | 04 Apr 2004 | PaulW
It amazes me too, but until I read this post, I hadn't thought about smoking for even one second today.Paul - Free and Healing for One Month, Nine Days and 7 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 9 Hours, by avoiding the use of 975 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $293.32.
#334 | 05 Apr 2004 |Angelicrosegonegreen1
Hi all you newbies. I still think about not smoking. I am thinking about it quite a bit. But it has become more of just my new lifestyle rather than wrapping my brain around actually smoking a cigarette. I'll be reaffirming myself all day with things like checking out the negative in smokers that I see, and my triggers etc. More kind of just analyzing it all. Thinking about it steady. But for the good outcome. I truthfully now only really feel like I want a smoke once a day. At this time. Thats when I am on here. It really really does get more bearable.Kathleen.
I've been quit for 1 month, 3 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes and 29 seconds (33 days).
I've not smoked 498 death sticks, and saved $219.50.
I've saved 1 day(s), 18 hour(s) of my life.
#335 | 05 Apr 2004 | jennifer104104
I didn't want a cigarette at all today!
I have chosen not to smoke for 3 Months 2 Weeks 3 Days 22 Hours 14 Minutes 9 Seconds. Cigarettes not smoked: 2723. Money saved: $509.23.
#336 | 22 Apr 2004 | SmokefreeLeeTron
Hey all you newbies and Lurkers out there.I'm something a newbie myself at this point (just over a month quit) and the total number of seconds a day I actually WANT a cigarette is probably under ten and shrinking daily. There is a (much better) life after smoking!!!
This is not to say I don't think about smoking. I still think about smoking a lot. But almost exclusively in negative terms: How bad it was for me, how expensive it is, the awful smell associated with it, how I was a slave and the shame that goes along with that realization.
My biggest fear about quitting when I was still smoking was very vague. I knew I need to quit, but was afraid to. I have now learned that my fears with regard to quitting were being generated by my addiction. My addiction had me convinced that, because smoking was so integrated into so many of my daily activities, that I would somehow be paralyzed if I quit. I was convinced that I NEEDED cigarettes to be NORMAL and who knows what would happen without them.
I now know that this is not true. In fact, cigarette smoking is not NORMAL at all. We are the only species on this planet that regularly inhales the smoke of burning weeds into our lungs every 45 minutes. All other animals avoid smoke because it is normal to not want to poison yourself. I have discovered that, contrary to my pre-quit fears, EVERYTHING I do is easier, better, more and more efficient because I am NOT smoking.
So, to all you new newbies: hang tough and know that what you are doing is the very best thing for you! The craves, urges, triggers, and positive thoughts about smoking will diminish with each passing day.
And all you lurkers who are trying to convince yourselves that you can live without smoking: YOU CAN!!! Just put down the cigarettes and never pick them back up. I know it sounds impossible right now but you will be surprised how easy it will be a month from now.
Quitting is simple: Just Do It (with apologies to Nike)
Keeping a quit is simple too. Just one rule: No Nicotine Today! Never Take Another Puff!!!
I quit One month, six days, 14 hours, 37 minutes and 30 seconds ago. That's 1504 cigarettes not smoked, a savings of $262.97 and life saved of 5 days, 5 hours, 20 minutes.
#337 | 22 Apr 2004 | Eeyore6083
I would say the number of seconds a day that I want a cigarette would be -60 (that's right, negative sixty) because not only do I never actually want a cigarette but I spend at 60 seconds thinking of how glad I am that I don't smoke, wishing other people on the street in front of me would stop blowing smoke in my face or thinking about how absolutely gross a cigarette would taste.I'm not going to say I never think about smoking but actually wanting to smoke, NOT AT ALL!!!
Quit on November 17, 2003.
#338 | 22 Apr 2004 | Rickgoldx5
Hello Joel, I thought about it last night! Not a crave but I'll explain.My little dog was at the window and started to bark. Now she only barks for little kids going by so its not very often. I looked out the window and there were 3 girls about Jr High age maybe 11 or 12. They were gathered in a little circle and one had a purse open. She reached in and pulled out a pcak of smokes. Each one took one and and were lighting them. I had to take a double take! Is this what I looked like when I started smoking? I was 11 also. These girls look no more than small kids.
I thought about all the things I've learned here and thought about printing out a sheet for each of them with all the chemicals in one smoke. I thought this might just make them think a little more, but as I was watching this they thew down the smokes and started running. One of the girls Moms pulled up and started giving them a bad time.
Today I can say without any second thoughts, that I love this freedom of no more smoking and am happier then ever for this site helping me find it.
It only took 38yrs to get here!
Its your quit, put your life into it and you too can live free.
One year, eleven months, two weeks, three days, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 20 seconds. 57474 cigarettes not smoked, saving $14,340.00. Life saved: 28 weeks, 3 days, 13 hours, 30 minutes.
#339 | 22 Apr 2004 | carvoiero gold
Hello newbies and lurkers. How many seconds a day I still want a cigarette - NONE.I have been told by friends who are impressed with my 6 weeks of non smoking that I must be very strong-willed. I disagree with them, because I am not denying myself something I want (that would be willpower - something I don't have at all when it comes to a nice bottle of wine or a delicious meal!)
I am not using willpower to stay off cigarettes. I do not want to smoke. I do, maybe 5 or 6 fleeting times per day, still think about smoking, but the thought is easily dismissed - as Stew52 says - laugh at it HAHAHA.
I am surprised to be writing this! You too can get here, it doesn't take long!
I've been quit for 1 month, 13 days, 8 hours, 23 minutes and 39 seconds (43 days). I've not smoked 650 death sticks, and saved £146.57. I've saved 2 day(s), 6 hour(s) of my life.
#340 | 22 Apr 2004 | emilie
Hi there... It's been 17 days quit for me, and the last three have been great

#341 | 22 Apr 2004 | LadyCamparoo Silver
Hi everyone. I only think about smoking when I encounter a trigger, an then it's just a brief thought not an actual craving. I don't think I have had an actual crave for well over a week.
I have been quit for 1 Month, 1 Week, 16 hours and 16 minutes (38 days)
#342 | 22 Apr 2004 | Lyverbyrd
Hi everyone. I think about not smoking now and again. The number of times I actively want a cigarette just don't happen any more. See, I said I think about NOT smoking. The fact that I'm an ex smoker rather than a current smoker. That I don't need to pollute myself anymore; and that the surprise stint in hospital that I've just had would have been so much more difficult if I hadn't quit.This gets so much easier. I found the start of my quit tough, and there were times if I'd been given permission for one, please, just one.....I still wouldn't have had it. I'd have sought out the sanction, but still turned away, because this quit is different from all the others. I'm educated now. This site has saved my life.
I still think about cigarettes. Do I want one? I'm happy that I can say no.
Paula - Free and Healing for Nine Months, Twenty Two Days, 14 Hours and 34 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 25 Days and 17 Hours, by avoiding the use of 7415 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me £1,733.96.
#343 | 23 Apr 2004 | UKMags1
I would have to say that in the last month to six weeks I have had only one real craving for a cigarette. Even then, and I know it sounds strange, I didn't really want a cigarette… was kind of an abstract thing……there was never any real danger to my quit from that one crave. It was a moment of real stress with a friend and I came home & posted about it.Other than that, and I have really racked my brain and thought about this, I can honestly say that the only time I think about smoking is when I am at this board reading or replying to posts.
I can even sit with smokers and not bother. I find that I watch them inhaling more than I used to and I have become fascinated with the mechanics of smoking. I watch the little lines round their mouths as they pull the smoke in and I imagine that searing hot smoke hitting the soft pink mucosa of their mouths, throats and lungs. And far from making me want a cigarette or causing a craving, it fascinates if I'm watching it from afar. I can't imagine myself going through the physical action of smoking. I can't believe that I actually did it. It seems so far away and so long ago and yet it's just slightly less than 4 months since I last lit that burning concoction of chemicals and poisoned myself.
So for any newbies or lurkers who are wondering what to do and thinking that just maybe it's too's not. The worst that can be said about it is that it's uncomfortable. For the first week or two you can feel pretty awful but after that it can only get better. And if you really analyse good do you feel now? Ok so you aren't experiencing withdrawal..but I'm willing to bet that, if you're anything like most smokers, you suffer with a good dose of self-loathing, you probably don't smell good or feel particularly healthy and I'll bet you've been wanting to quit for goodness-knows how long because they cost a fortune....especially if you live in the UK!!
Just do it.
The worst is over really quickly and then you can settle down to a healthier and richer life!! And even if you are one of the rare folks who has a 'tougher than average' withdrawal, how do you think it compares to the ravages of lung cancer, emphysema, bladder cancer, throat & mouth cancer.
ANd for those of you who are thinking that we could all be killed tomorrow by a bus so what's the point? The point is that smoking doesn't just kill kills you slowly with years of misery and pain for both you and your family.
It's a 'no-brainer' as my teenage daughter would say!
Take the plunge today-we'll help you all we can. Just decide now to Never Take Another Puff
113 days clean and 1363 cigs ignored. 'A cigarette is a fire at one end with a fool at the other'
#344 | 11 May 2004 | BeautifullyBronzeTeresa
Well, I've seen this post brought to the fore a few times and have really thought about how many seconds a day I want a cigarette on average... I realize I'm only going on 3 months here, but I sure hope that the fresh newbies out there can find some comfort in knowing that **days** go by without my even *thinking* about a cigarette. :-))Sometimes it occurs to me out the blue that, Hey! I didn't smoke today! And I feel a fresh surge of pride in myself. :-)) But when it comes to actually wanting, needing, craving a cigarette - those times are few and far between now. I've found that those 'wants' are almost *always* brought on by times of stress, worry, upset... But even then, the individual cravings last only a minute or so.
So on average, I don't want a cigarette at all each day...on average, there are no real cravings. In times of stress or upset, I may have cravings for a few minutes during the day. But they pass quickly...even more so as I learn to handle the stress and upset better.
So take heart!!!! Freedom is a beautiful thing!!!!!
Teresa (2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes)
P.S. And I've not smoked 1,702 cigarettes, saving $340.47 and adding 1 week, 4 days and 20 hours to my life. :-)
#345 | 13 May 2004 | Hooked On Hammies
Even after just a month and a half along you can feel pretty comfortable a good majority of the time. I would say that for me, I probably have maybe 2 smallish triggers per day at this point. But thats the average and some days have gone by where I have none now. AND those triggers are usually only like 20 seconds each. Again, this is an average day. There are days of course, the rough ones, but they are farther and farther apart...and as time goes by, a LOT easier to deal with as long as you keep your quit-gaurd up and don't let them hit you broadside, lol. Seriously though, I have to say that that's been the most important thing for me as far as keeping my quit goes. Keeping that gaurd up. You can totally enjoy the comfortable days as they become more and more common, while at the same time remembering in the back of your mind why you quit in the first place. And keeping a quit blog here helps SO much too.So a month and a half (for any newbies peeking in), feeling awesome most of the time. Not smoking is beginning to feel normal, and I like it a LOT.
I have been quit for 1 Month, 1 Week, 6 Days
#346 | 13 May 2004 | mstork12
Let's see, when I finally made the decision to stop my nicotine addiction it would've been easier to ask me how many times a day I DID NOT think about a cigarette. For all you brand-newbies out there, here I am only a month later and I'd say honestly it's about 2 times a day, but some days there are less. These aren't craves anymore, they're just thoughts and as long as I remind myself..."you don't smoke, are Never Taking Another Puff"...the thought goes away and I move onto to something else. Good luck to everyone in this very important forever journey!Michele
Thirty Days, while extending my life expectancy 2 Days and 3 Hours, by avoiding the use of 616 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $123.37.
#347 | 13 May 2004 | BIG AL GREEN x2
Hello Awesome Newbies! The first 3 days of my quit, I didn't think about smoking all that much...amazing, huh!
Then on day 4...KABOOM! I was literally SHAKING almost ALL DAY while thinking about smoking a cigarette DURING MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT! Those who knew me suddenly faced one of the most confused and wrathful beings they had ever seen!

Like many of you, I truly thought I WAS DIFFERENT...that OTHER people were able to handle their quits, but I would NEVER be able to pull it off...I WAS WRONG!

Now that I have 32 days behind me, I feel MUCH better. I think about smoking maybe 2-4 times per day. When I think about smoking, it is not a poweful urge as it was a month ago. It is simply a reaction to a trigger. Could I smoke right now? SURE! But I wouldn't DARE put myself back into withdrawal...I've come WAY TOO FAR TO THROW THIS AWAY! In fact, I'm really starting to feel good...and so will you!

All of you newbies can do this. It doesn't matter how long you smoked, how many packs a day you smoked, how integrated into your lives your cigarettes were...NOTHING MATTERS except your determination to educate yourself about your addiction... AND...this is the BIG SECRET right here...
Big Al
32 days
#348 | 13 May 2004 | carvoiero gold
Wow newbies! I just realised that today, for the first time, I have got through a horrible emotionally stressful day at work, got back to a messy plumber at home, had problems with grown up kids and it's 8.30pm and I haven't thought about a cigarette at all. (I have had a glass of wine though - is that OK?)You have to laugh!
I've been quit for 2 months, 3 days, 19 hours, 23 minutes and 33 seconds (65 days).
I've not smoked 972 death sticks, and saved £219.31.
I've saved 3 day(s), 9 hour(s) of my life.
#349 | 20 May 2004 | screechwinter
I haven't wanted a cigarette at all today. In fact, until I saw this thread, I wasn't even thinking about smoking (education yes, but smoking, nah!)If you aren't sure if this comfort will ever come in your quit, I'm here to tell you from personal experience:
One month, one week, one day, 19 hours, 34 minutes and 56 seconds. 582 cigarettes not smoked, saving $152.84. Life saved: 2 days, 30 minutes.
#350 | 21 Jun 2004 | John (Gold)

I'm sure another is coming but after hearing about and actually seeing so much death and destruction I don't know if I have any positive thoughts remaining. John (Gold x5)
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