Letter "P" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Pack a positive attitude: FFN
- Pack durable motives: FFN
- Pack for recovery: FFN
- Pack patience: one day at a time: FFN
- Palmolive Bottle Demonstration - Only about 10% is breathed out: JV
- Past "successful" quits: JV
- Patience: F | JV | Journey Patience: FFN
- People in recovery from other addictions: JV
- Pharmacological crutches: JL | JV | FFN
- Physical recovery: FFN
- Placebo isn't a quitting method: FFN
- Physicians: a video to pass along to your physicians, dentists and other allied health professionals: JV
- Physicians: How to help your patients quit smoking: WQ-S
- Physicians: Patient Nicotine Dependency Recovery Resources for Medical Professionals: WQ-S
- Placebo isn't a quitting method: FFN
- Planning: setting quit dates: JL | FFN | JV
- "Please don't quit using" JV
- "Please don't smoke" JV
- "Please help me" JV
- "Please hold me accountable so I can quit smoking" JV
- Pleasure: "I used for pleasure" FFN
- Post-operative complications and slower healing: JV
- Power of nicotine addiction: JV
- PMS and quitting: JV
- Pregnancy: WQ-E | "Help me, I'm pregnant and smoking!" FFN | WARNING: Dreaming of motherhood while you smoke or vape
- Pregnancy: Nearly all pregnant smokers still smoking in e-cig vs. patch study
- Premature deaths: JV - Update to video "Premature deaths caused by smoking" JV
- President Obama and nicotine gum: WQ-E | A letter to President Obama: one nicotine addict to another: WQ-E
- Prolonging withdrawal symptoms - NRT: JL | JV
- Proud to be a smoker? JL

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 03/08/21
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021