Free Video Quit Smoking Lessons
Imagine being a smoker, wanting to quit and bringing a professional quitting counselor into your home. Imagine being a doctor and instead of just telling smoking patients that they need to quit - something they all already knew - handing them a video disc containing nearly 500 short counseling sessions.
A growing collection of quitting videos is being made available by Joel Spitzer, a full-time Chicago area smoking cessation counselor who has devoted more than 40 years to helping smokers break free.
Joel's nearly 500 video lessons range from understanding the emotional loss when quitting to the importance of maintaining stable blood sugar levels and avoiding low blood sugar symptoms. Spitzer helps quitters understand how each puff of nicotine fed them by pumping stored sugars and fats into their bloodstream and the need to return to eating normally again.
Links to the video collection are available in Joel's Library at WhyQuit.com. While visiting, be sure to download a copy of "Never Take Another Puff,' Joels free 149 page PDF quitting book
The only use requirements for Joel's materials is that there never be any charge or cost to those receiving them, that they always remain as freely available as they are online, and that copyrights remain in place so that those receiving them never attempt to profit from their use.
Joel Spitzer presented regular stop smoking clinics and seminars for the Evanston and Skokie Illinois Departments of Health. Since 1976 he has presented 351 two-week, six-session clinics and nearly 600 single session seminars. Online, Spitzer has served as WhyQuit's Director of Education since 2000.

Joel's Videos Indexed by Topic

We have a number of tools for locating and using Joel's videos. Here, Joel's more than 400 stop smoking videos are indexed under the following 12 topics, giving each topic its own page. We also have one rather large page (76K) listing "All of Joel's Stop Smoking Videos by Topic.
Video Topics
Alphabeticl Index
The collection is also available as an alphabetical A to Z index. Each video is featured on its own page, together with related articles and links to related videos.
Smokers & New Quitters
If still smoking or within the first few days of quitting, take a quick look at Joel's Daily Quitting Lesson Guide or his YouTube Featured Playlists. They present videos appropriate for each day of quitting.