If so inclined, email us adding your own personal "Have you ever ..." experience. Together, just one recovering addict at a time, yes we can!
#176 | 24 Dec 2005 | Laurengela
Have you ever put water over you pack of smokes to help you quit smoking. I put water over them and then threw them in the trash. A few hours later, craving a smoke, I fished through the trash, found the smokes drenched in water and took one out and put it in the microwave. Smoked it and continued smoking. I'm an addict.#177 | 9 Jan 2006 | julez4you
Have you ever hung your head outside a window in a non-smoking hotel window to take a few drags while your unsuspecting family down the hall gets dressed for your Grandfather's funeral...#178 | 15 Jan 2006 | melissablon78
Have you ever picked other people's cigarette butts off the street or from a public ashtray and smoked them? -I have#179 | 18 Jan 2006 | FoolishWorkinj
In my addiction, I sent a cab to bring me a carton of cigarettes when I first got home after childbirth and couldn't leave the house because of my baby. I have gone out a four in the morning to buy cigarettes in a snow storm, and I'm afraid of driving in the snow. I have smoked butts, spent hours searching for a light, and then used the toaster oven when I couldn't find one. Many more sad embarrassing stories like this. But not now. Now I don't smoke and won't, and I'm working it and its working as long as I NTAP#180 | 25 Jan 2006 | Aprilangel1951
What a great parade and reminder of how strong this addiction of ours is and to what lengths we have gone to feed it!#181 | 2 Feb 2006 | Em B 12106
I am ashamed and horrified to admit that I smoked while nursing my newborn baby. Not only was she getting all of the nasties of a cigarette through my breast milk, but all of the nasties of secondhand smoke from my lit cigarette too. Thank God I never dropped an ash on her! I also opened my hospital window and smoked in FEBRUARY with my other newborn baby rooming in and freezing. I actually packed air freshener so I could smoke and "get away with it" - the nurses knew exactly what was up, but I kept doing it; no shame then at all.#182 | 7 Feb 2006 | Purdie2006 Gold1
Have you ever put your pack of cigarettes under water, thrown them away (to quit), only to dig them out of the trash later, then dried them out in the oven?#183 | 14 Feb 2006 | anhef
Sadly, I have to say, I have, I'm an addict to most of the above...#184 | 14 Feb 2006 | KatieDidIt1999
Have you ever picked up a cigarette butt out of your backyard only to find it was broken at the filter.....placed your finger over the hole and inhaled as hard as you could? I did that the second day of one of my quits last year....guess the patch just wasn't enough#185 | 9 Mar 2006 | nancy999
Oh My goodness. Yes, yes, this addict has done these disgusting things - (including the bushes). It feels good to confess. I thought it was bad just counting them every night to make SURE I had enough for the morning. If not, no matter what the weather I'd get out of my jammies and go to the store. Additionally -#186 | 10 Mar 2006 | ChessieSmile
Once I found myself awake and no smokes about 2 in the morning, and of course had to drive to the store, WHAT ELSE! ha#187 | 11 Mar 2006 | Kristie
All of the above. (Dried my wet cigarettes with a hair dryer) And....#188 | 12 Mar 2006 | andypdq
Have you ever run out of smokes late at night, gone out into the street on a butt hunt, brought a load into the house, broken them all up and rolled them up into a big fat smoke, because you had some cigarette papers in the house?. So much more civilised than having one draw off each butt. I have, I'm an addict.#189 | 12 Mar 2006 | LoriC39
Oh wow, I have done so many of these. Including these embarrassing tidbits:#190 | 14 Mar 2006 | Ambigrammatique
Taken straight from my 1st post :#191 | 26 Mar 2006 | Karmais1
Have you ever gone through the labour of your first child (about 36 hours worth) simply focused on when it will be OVER so you can have a smoke without feeling guilty? I have.#192 | 22 Apr 2006 | John (Gold)
#193 | 11 May 2006 | 4Taylor
Have you ever:#194 | 21 May 2006 | Bonniequit
Have you ever...#195 | 21 May 2006 | chel
Have you ever lost your driving license because you drove to the petrol station for cigarettes when you were drunk#196 | 21 May 2006 | 4Taylor
Have you ever raided your childs piggy-bank for cigs?#197 | 27 May 2006 | suzysuzysuzy1
Have you ever:#198 | 1 June 2006 | gecko997
Have you ever:#199 | 23 June 2006 | MomTo5Girls
Have you ever gotten a call from your doctor saying you have a collapsed lung and need to get to the ER to be admitted? And then smoke like a fiend (probably 7 or 8 cigs) during the 1.5 hour drive because you know they won't allow you out to smoke after you've gotten there? How stupid is that? Already have a serious lung problem, let's add some chemicals and nicotine to it! ::smacking self in forehead.:: I have because I'm an addict.#200 | 12 Aug 2006 | John (Gold)
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