Desperate Addict's Parade: Page 10
If desperate, might a cigarette atop a public urinal look tempting?
As shared by OBob on Page 1, key to a lasting recovery is understanding and accepting who we are, REAL drug addicts in every sense. Brain scan studies teach us that just one puff and up to 50 percent of our brain's dopamine pathway receptors become occupied by nicotine. While most walk away from trying to cheat feeling like they've gotten away with it, it isn't long before they find their brain wanting, plotting to obtain or even begging for more. Far from some "nasty little habit," nicotine dependency is as real and permanent as alcoholism. Just one puff and it's back behind bars.
As you read these pages, ask yourself, am I a real drug addict? When ready, email us and share/add your own "Have you ever ..." experience:
Here's my "Have you ever ... I have. I'm an addict" experience
#226 | 5 Aug 2007 | Inky15880
Have you ever broke up with someone with asthma because you couldn't even think of quitting?
I have, I'm an addict!
#227 | 9 Nov 2007 | BowiegirlNat
I have to say that it took me a few hours reading every message on this thread and it made me laugh out loud and cry as well as nod and empathise. It was mainly nice to see that I am not the worst most addicted ex smoker in the world, that so many people have felt the full force of the nicotine roar... surrounding myself with non-smoking friends is a bit lonely, but this thread makes me feel surrounded by soulmates. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing your stories and giving us newer people strength,.
I never let myself run out of ciggs because I was too scared. Only in my previous "quits" did I pick up fact, I started the last smoking bout by lighting a butt from the ashtray - mmn nn lovely. Addictied? If the nicotine gum wasn't doing the trick on a long flight, I put my smoke in the airplane toilet with my head half way down the toilet bowl... - can you tell I am a well-educated business woman?
Thanks again for your strength.
#228 | 29 Nov 2007 | moiralives
Have you ever (in the desperate months before you found and this site) quit smoking at the end of every packet and, within a few hours, smoked butts you scavanged from around the barbeque (the only place you smoked)?
Did this gross you out at the end of yet another pack?
Did you then gather them up and throw them into the garbage and
next morning go through the bin to find a few disgusting, gross, foul, filthy butts to get your fix?
I have, I am an addict.
Moira - smober 1 week, 3 days, 8 hours, 44 minutes, 48 seconds
#229 | 30 Nov 2007 | LRhoads2
ave you ever decided to quit, wet the remaining cigarettes, put them in a jar with a lid so you could go back later and smell the nasty odor to repel you from smoking again only to dry them out again and smoke the buts? I have cause i am an addict.
4M 6D 20 h 38m 51s
#230 | 30 Nov 2007 | RReese0
Have you ever gone to the doctor, be diagnosed with high blood pressure, placed on meds, seen an opthamologist and told that smoking has probably caused some eye damage, gone to the dentist the next day and told that there are some suspicious tissues in your mouth all in one week and then continued smoking?
I did because I am an addict.
Roger - Nicotine Free for Twenty Days, 13 Hours and 34 Minutes, extending my life expectancy 2 Days and 3 Hours, and avoiding 617 cigarettes that would have cost $104.73.
My quit date: November 9, 2007 7:15 PM
#231 | 22 Dec 2007 | AQuitter
Have you ever taken the remainder of a pack of cigarettes and doused them with water and uttered "I'm never smoking again"? A few hours later, late at night, did you remove the soaked cigarettes from the garbage and place a few in the toaster oven to dry? ANd did you smoke the nasty, brown, brittle butts even though the taste was horrid and you could barely get a hit?
I have, because I'm a nicotine addict.
Day 26
#232 | 9 Jan 2008 | Christina1 2 08
I found this link today.. and have spent the better part of an afternoon reading and reading and thinking oh dear.. that was me, or that was almost me. Or no I've never done that.
My have you ever...
My brother in law was dying of lung cancer. He was in a coma in the hospital. My mother in law and I would go outside and SMOKE while he was laying upstairs in icu DYING of lung cancer caused by his SMOKING.. ding dong.. hello? Anyone home??? Oh I'm sorry you must not have heard the bell, cause you were outside SMOKING!!! *facepalm*
I have quit.. sadly, my mother in law has not. deep deep sigh.
Christina - Free and Healing for Six Days, 7 Hours and 56 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 10 Hours, by avoiding the use of 127 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $24.51.
#233 | 26 Jan 2008 | aksunshine69
Have you ever......been pregnant, and hid from the public view to smoke a cigarette....I have, I'm an addict.
Have you ever...smoked in the house, around the kids when you know in your mind and heart that what you're doing is awful and wrong.....I have, I'm an addict.
Have you ever...picked a butt off the floor board of your car and smoked it....I have, I'm an addict.
Emmie - Free and Healing for Twenty Four Days, 19 Hours and 40 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 2 Days and 3 Hours, by avoiding the use of 620 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $201.86.
#234 | 20 Feb 2008 | Carneadese.ffn
I too have dug thru the trash looking for a pack that I threw away. Once I threw a pack out of my car window and swore I was done and five miles later pulled into a store and bought another one.
I had spilled a pack in my car, I ran out a couple of weeks later without a chance to get more, dug under my car seat and found one of them. It had been sitting under my seat, was quite stale, had some unidentified substance on it, but I still smoked the thing.
#235 | 16 Mar 2008 | Eadie1969
I climbed out of my second store window onto the roof of the first I could smoke my smoke.... I was an addict....
#236 | 16 Mar 2008 | Tracy
Have you ever...visited your sister in kansas and used that fact that you are 30 minutes away from the store and carless and decided to quit. two days into your quit it is 3 o'clock on Thanksgiving and you announce that you need to borrow a car to drive into a town 30 mins away to buy a pack of smokes....I did, in fact I bought 2 packs of smokes because I'm an addict!!!!
I have bought a pack of smokes, smoked a couple, threw them in someone's else trash and then later in the day went back to that stranger's trash and covertly picked them back out.
When I was under 18, out of money and smokes I pulled the lipton tea out of the bags and rolled it into paper and smoked it. Not the wisest idea but I gave it a shot cause I am an addict.
#237 | 16 Mar 2008 | humble live
Just the other day I walked to a bus stop and stared at a whole cigarette lying on the ground. The addict in me was tempted to pick it up and smoke the dirty thing until I snapped the elastic band on my wrist which brought me back to the land of the living. Note: Lying beside the cigarette was a wrapper from Nicorette Gum. Go figure.
I have been quit for 1 Week, 3 Days, 21 hours, 2 minutes and 1 second (10 days). I have saved $114.20 by not smoking 380 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 7 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/5/2008 12:30 PM
#238 | 16 Mar 2008 | John (Gold)
On Feb. 11th I completed presenting 63 cessation seminars in 28 S.C. prisons and much of what I heard from both inmates and staff belongs in this thread. These prisons had made all tobacco illegal and in maximum security prisons (what's called Level 3) the price for a single cigarette was usually near $8 dollars. At my first female prison I shared the $8 figure and one lady afterwards claimed that she was paid $40 for a single cigarette while boasting, "and her parents put the money in my account!"
At my very first prison the warden said that inmates were caught trading illegal drugs for tobacco, something he thought he'd never in his lifetime see. Inmates at lower level prisons doing roadside cleanup were often caught trying to get the butts inside. I used this in later presentations by asking inmates to reflect on what animal may have urinated upon them first. An ice breaker, it usually brought a laugh. Needless to say that Bibles were disappearing at an alarming rate as the thin paper was used to hand roll cigarettes.
At a number of prisons I heard reports of inmates selling themselves for cigarettes. At every prison there were stories that once the new policy went into effect that inmates were caught experimenting with smoking tea or coffee, but no story where any inmate did so twice.
One thing that really crystalized in my mind is just how similar tobacco becomes to other drugs of addiction once declared illegal. With a prison retail per price of nearly $1,600 per carton (10 packs x 20 cigarettes each x $8), which was usually heavily discounted if purchased by the pack, we saw a number of correctional officers and other staff members lose their jobs for getting caught attempting to supplement their modest wages by selling cigarettes.
At one prison they were flying remote controlled airplanes and helicopters and dropping cigarettes like bombs into prison yards. One warden took me into his office and showed a number of cards and letters received that very day that had attempted to bring into the prison loose tobacco that appeared to have been dumped into each. Out of 28 prisons, while nearly all x-rayed my shoes only two had me turn all my pockets inside out.
Initially I was a bit concerned about the fact that most of the prisons were scheduling seminars AFTER the policy went into effect but Joel was correct (as always) in seeing this as a positive not a negative. He assured me that many would be living in perpetual relapse and would value what they'd hear.
But I promise you, never once did I feel superior to what I was hearing as I did some rather horrible things during my 30 years in order to produce that next fix. They are things I'd rather not remember like going underwater on an FBM patrol with no cigarettes or money in order to force myself to quit and then spending the entire patrol living out of ashtrays or begging. How much lower can a man get than that? Still just one rule ... no nicotine today!
John (Gold x8)
#239 | 31 Mar 2008 | FlexMB1
I experience a wide range of feelings and emotions reading through these.... Laughter, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, embarrasmment, and the list goes on. Truly, this should be read by all. Because we have all done that....
Loved it and thanks for the reminder of how desperate we were as addicts. Just for thought, here is my: Have you ever....
Have you ever twisted and turned in your car (parked in a small space where you can't really get out to actually see), trying to reach under seats hoping that you will find that one cigarette that will give you your fix until you get to the store? I have. I strained a muscle in my neck by the way, reaching under there and the smoke was about 5 weeks old. It was partially broken. But I smoked it. I smoked it with my finger on the broken part, trying to mend it somehow, as I puffed away. And the feeling of touching it under the seat was like... AH! relief... I knew I would find one somewhere under there!
WOW... That was then... This is now. I am 29 days nicotine free and I feel amazing!
#240 | 17 Apr 2008 | Sal GOLD
Have you ever had your child reach up to hold your hand and instead get burned by the cigarette you were holding?
She still remembers it...
Now I have a grandchild who will never have that happen when she reaches up to hold my hand. 
Gold x 5 and savoring my freedom
#241 | 6 May 2008 | soulagement0
Have you ever tried to time your nicotine fixes at 90 minutes before your infant would be wanting to breastfeed, telling yourself that that way, most of the nicotine would be gone from your body? Of course, you conveniently overlooked the fact that because your infant was also used to getting nicotine, she would start crying well ahead of her "scheduled" fix via mother's milk? Who were you fooling?
Did you ever look at a pregnant woman smoking and think "that's horrible, when I get pregnant, I'll quit". And then you did get pregnant, but didn't quit? Twice?
Did you ever convince yourself you no longer liked or loved someone because you could not smoke around that person without drowning in shame?
Did you ever prefer to be with people only because you could smoke - but you had to convince yourself you actually prefered their company to that of non-smokers - otherwise none of it made any sense? Mmmm, junkie thinking...
Did you ever just miss out on so many good times with people you love because you wanted to be able to smoke?
Did you ever notice there is no end to the "did you ever's"? I've done all that I've written, and probably 99% of what has been written by other posters here, because I've been addicted to nicotine for the past 20 years.
An excellent thread for driving home the point on what addiction will make you do. Recommended reading from start to finish.
#242 | 7 May 2008 | stoneris1
I was struck by the statement that "addiction made me do it." Inevitably WE all make our OWN choices, good or bad. If addiction had the hold we think/thought it does, then nobody would have ever quit doing whatever it is they were dependent upon. Addiction didn't make me do anything. It may be that addicts act in stupid ways, do desperate things, etc., but I take full responsibility for my actions, for my own stupidity. "Did you ever say" my addiction MADE me do it, as if it was holding a gun your head. Blaming "addiction" for our problems doesn't help one bit, at least for me, except it rationalizes our behavior, explains it away, excuses it: when we say "addiction made me do it" we displace responsibility onto some anthropomorphized phenomonon. Addicts do the doing. I did it in part because I was addicted, but it doesn't explain it all--it doesn't explain how so many people are able to stop doing it. I can stop it. That's what I think about it. Maybe I'm wrong?
#243 | 18 July 2008 | swimmingnow9
this is an amazing and powerful thread. I just read through it all from start to finish.
Here goes...
Have you ever been told by your doc that you HAVE to quit smoking to address your breathing problems, sheepishly agreed, got up and got into your car, and had one lit by the time you put it in drive?
I have, I'm an addict.
Have you ever, and in fact countless times, used your asthma inhaler so that you could breathe well enough to finish that cigarette and 'enjoy' it without choking too badly on your chronic and phlegmy cough?
I have, I'm an addict.
Have you ever visited your father, who is on oxygen and can barely walk from one room to another without gasping for air, so that it breaks your heart every time you see him, and excused yourself to go outside and sit on the back porch in the dark and the cold so you could **** down a couple of cigarettes? All the while knowing, somewhere deep inside you, that it hurt him so to have to witness that?
I have, I'm an addict.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with your breathing problems, and felt like you were getting only about 10% of the air you should be able to get, and, after laying there in the dark for awhile, still breathing so shallowly, decided that you couldn't sleep afterall, so why not get up and go out to the front room and have a smoke?
I have, I'm an addict.
Have you ever, all you women out there, gone out so late at night and in such dicey neighborhoods, that your heart beat so loudly you could hear it in your ears, and your eyes scanned the surroundings continually, on hyper-HIGH alert for predators, with the adrenaline pumping through you so strongly you felt the pressure of it in your head, and placed yourself at very real risk for sexual assault, so that you could achieve that all- important end, that vital need, to buy a pack of smokes to see you through until the dawn?
I have, I'm an addict.
All this and more! Butts from the garbage!!! Cigarettes drying in the oven!!!! Nabbing a long butt from a public ashtray!!! (and that still makes me sick to my stomach) Bumming from anyone - offering them a dollar for one "because you see I'm trying to quit!"
Lying to myself. Lying to the ones who love me. Hurting my little kitties with the second hand smoke (so ashamed of that, so very ashamed...)
Ohhhh man.
And now, soooo thankful to have found this site and all of you, and this philosophy, and Joel's videos...soooo thankful to be here at day 22 and strong in my resolve, despite any discomfort or curveball, to stay true to my quit. No excuses now, no addictive thinking to worm its way in to rationalize putting myself at risk any further than I already have.
NTAP, my choice! My joyful, difficult, life-giving choice! And not alone in that but here, joined with all of you!
pat, swimming now, getting near to green, at day 22.
#244 | 18 July 2008 | crazyfox6
Have you ever.......................smoked 5 mins after your wife delivered..... I have.....I am an addict.
Free and Healing for 14 Days, 21 Hours and 50 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 1 Day, by avoiding the use of 298 nicotine delivery devices.
#245 | 5 Sept 2008 | Rochelle2422
So many disgusting things people have done all in the name of a smoke! Here goes...
Have you ever felt horribly guilty because your parents moved from Los Angeles to Miami when you were 13 because you almost died from asthma complications...and then you decide to smoke 10 years later?
I have, I'm an addict, and it will never happen again!
Have you ever had to stand outside in the middle of the night (after going out) and wipe down the driver-side door & windows of your car to make sure no one sees all of the ashes on the side of your car?
I have, I'm an addict, and it will never happen again!
Have you ever made your dad cry because you didn't know your parents were at your front door and your boyfriend couldn't warn you before they saw you?
I have, I'm an addict, and it will never happen again!
Have you ever sat in your car and felt sick from all the Ozium you had to spray in your car (while you were still in it!) because someone was about to get in your car who you didn't want to know you smoked?
I have, I'm an addict, and it will never happen again!
Have you ever embarrassingly offered a stranger $1+ for a cigarette?
I have, I'm an addict, and it will never happen again!
Have you ever felt a weird pain on your back, become paranoid that its the start of lung cancer, looked up on the internet to see exactly where your lungs are, and then still had a cigarette when you discover that your lungs aren't in that one spot?
I have, I'm an addict, and it will never happen again!
Rochelle - Free from smoking for 5 Months, 26 Days, 18 Hours and 40 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 12 Days and 11 Hours, by avoiding the use of 3596 nicotine cancer sticks that would have cost me $724.45 and my life.
#246 | 2008 |
#247 | 6 Sep 2008 | annD2121
I do love this thread!!
Have you ever..Visited a non-smoking relative, went outside in the middle of the night to smoke and locked yourself out?
I have, I am an addict.
Have you ever..Held a cigarette behind your back for a picture?
I have, I am an addict.
Have you ever..Smoked in your house with your baby sleeping in the next room?
I have, I am an addict.
Have you ever..Picked an area in a grandstand by where the smokers were instead of where you could see the best?
I have, I am an addict.
Have you ever..Wrapped your head in a towel and changed your clothes on a lunch break just to smoke a cigarette?
I have, I am an addict.
Have you ever.. Accidently dropped your cigarette pack in water and lined them up to dry them out?
I have, I am an addict.
Have you ever.. Lit a cigarette off an electric stove?
I have, I am an addict.
Have you ever..Fired up the wrong end, cut it off and smoked the cigarette later?
I have, I am an addict.
And the number one stupid thing I did..
I stopped on the way to the hospital when I thought I was having a heart attack to buy nicotine gum because I knew I was going to be there a while.
Today is a nicotine free day for me. I have become alot smarter without that nicotine in my system!!!!
Ann - Free and Healing for One Month, Twenty One Days and 25 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 14 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1040 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $242.40.
#248 | 8 Sep 2008 | Ilona
Every time I read this post, I remember when:
I first started smoking at the age of 17. I hadn't yet bought my own pack or lighter (I didn't realize I was addicted) and used to dig around my mom's ashtray trying to find the longest smokable butts and then furtively light them on various kitchen appliances. I once burnt my chin lighting a very short butt on the stove. I think I lost a few nose-hairs and eyelashes as well. Another time, I tried lighting a butt with the toaster (don't try this at home). The butt slipped in and started to toast. I stuck my fingers in to try to recue it but then let it go when Mom suddenly entered the kitchen and asked what the smell was. I pretended it was toast. She left and I saw the butt had caught fire so I turned the toaster upside down and started shaking it furiously. Now all the crumbs caught fire. I nearly burnt down the kitchen...
I was mortified by these desperate acts but would have sooner suffered these humiliations than admit I was a desperate addict. What a strong grip nicotine has!!!!!!!
#249 | 17 Nov 2008 | Doc2474
Ever tried to light a smoke from a hot lightbulb because you had no gas in your lighter?
That having failed, ever tried to light a smoke from just the spark from the lighter by continuously flipping the wheel?
Ever wondered what the funny burning smell in the car was, only to discover a hole in your clothes when you took them off?
Ever thought it was cool to be able to blow smoke rings?
Ever had the cig stick to your lips when taking it from your mouth, thus burning between your fingers. And then making your lip bleed pulling the cig off?
Ever looked at your cig and wondered exactly where the hot end had fallen off and whose coat it was stuck to the back of?
Or burnt your fingers trying to pick it up off a friend's carpet?
34 days
#250 | 18 Nov 2008 | epigal1
Have you ever been that sick that you could hardly breath but managed to draw back on a ciggie (but only just)
I have im a drug addict
Have you ever been out smoking when your 2 and 3 year old come over for a cuddle and you just push them away and tell them to come back later
I have im a drug addict
Have you ever been up and down the road looking for a strangers thrown out smokable Ciggie.
I have im a drug addict
Have you ever bought a pack after a relapse, had just two then thrown the packet out only to be in that same area one hour later looking all over the place to find them to have JUST one more
I have im a drug addict
Have you ever told your husband that you have quit and then spend the next month smoking behind his back, finding every excuse under the sun to go to the shops so you can have a smoke and then have to find a public toilet with a soap despenser so you can scrub your face and ever rinse your mouth with it.
I have im a drug addict
Have you ever been pregnant and tried to hide your stomach from people as to stood behind your car in a car park to get your fix. Couldn't smoke at home because no one else knows that you are smoking again
I have im a drug addict
Have you ever burnt nearly all the hair on you face trying to light a smoke off the stove
I have im a drug addict
Have you ever kept your distance from your own children spent most of the day on the outside looking in as they played and you stood outside smoking ciggies. Then to make it worse have the right to yell at them for making a mess of the house
I have Im a drug addict.
TO MY TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN, Wren and Lior I promise to never abuse you like that again
Epigal 12 days
Knowledge is a Quitting Method